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How did the Virgin Lands campaign influence Soviet identity among the population of Kazakhstan One of the important changes in the history of the USSR has been the national Virgin Lands initiative The Virgin Lands Campaign was planned as both administrative and agricultural strategy for unharvested land under the leadership of Nikolay Khrushev The key aims of this campaign were to organize the land into separate administrative units and to increase the quantity of harvest First of all intentions of Khrushev can be clearly observed in the Micheala Pohl s The planet of One Hundred Languages 2007 According to this source In 1960 Khrushchev decided to carry out an administrative reorganization to get this problem under control based on the same thinking that led him to institute sovnarkhozy in 1957 The new unit was the so called Virgin Lands Region or Tselinnyi krai Pohl p 253 This means that Khurshev was interested in arranging virgin lands into administrative units that would develop the management of the region By transforming the land into arable pasture Khrushchev planned to dramatically increase grain production and deal with the food deficit in the USSR It was held between 1953 1965 Also this Virgin Land Campaign caused important demographic dimension and deportation of different nationalities The campaign relied on the labor of Chechens Ingush Kalmyks Cri mean Tatars Volga Germans and others exiled from their homelands in addition t o the indigenous Kazakhs and colonists recruited from the Slavic population Therefore there was a propaganda for Virgin Lands Campaign while for resettlement there was not such thing and they just provided them with facilities

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CTC HIST 2311 - How did the Virgin Lands campaign influence Soviet identity among the population of Kazakhstan?

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