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How and why did the goals of Qazaq political leaders change between February and December 1917 In February of 1917 due to a crisis Nicholas II is forced to abdicate and a Provisional Government establishes The new government promised a constitutional assembly in the upcoming autumn These events gave freedom to Qazaq political leaders They started doing congresses to decide the future of the steppe people One of these congresses was held in the Orenburg between July 21 and 28 and called the All Kyrgyz Congress In this meeting political figures of the steppe promulgated the decree The decree consisted of items related to the issues such as public administration the land question education marriage religion etc However the October Revolution brought the Bolsheviks to power in Petrograd As we know Qazaq political leaders did not like the policies of the Soviets because all the power to the Soviets means in practice all the power to the Russians A Bukeikhanov encourages not to trust the Bolsheviks by writing that the red mask of the revolutionist has fallen from the Bolsheviks face and revealed its Black Hundred s essence by giving freedom to Dubrovin In other words the policy of Bolsheviks does not differ from the tsarist one As a result the attention of the Qazaq political leaders shifts to the Soviets And to solve the problem with the Bolsheviks a second all Kazakh congress is being held The goals change from the regulating crisis to gaining and maintaining representatives in the newly established Soviets The declaration of Congress mainly concerns recruitment funding instruction and the number of militia

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CTC HIST 2311 - Essay

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