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Did Pahlen predict the uprising of 1916 According to Pahlen s words settler and native communities demands were not sufficiently satisfied by the Colonization Authorities The policy intended to flood the country with hordes of emigrants and had that foolish assumption that theory could be translated directly into practice These are the two highlights of chaotic policy which will lead to the uprising of 1916 The Department of Colonization wanted to raise the number of settlers as quickly as possible and did not care about the type of emigrant they brought over Hence they might be thieves robbers tramps or just idlers These were numbers that provide satisfactory reports to St Petersburg The next problem is the distribution of lands for agriculture The Department of Colonization estimated that 15 000 hectares to be allocated to the nomads and 100 000 hectares to the settlers In other words this was done to deprive the Kirghiz of all the arable land that they had irrigated and to force them to seek other lands in the mountains Kurapatkin mentions this problem in his diary too As he writes the dissatisfaction of the Kirgizes with the Russian regime began to grow long ago with their land policy which took away the land for pasturing livestock and growing hay from them At the same time the conditions of settlers were not better than the natives In the villages that Pahlen visited he met people who were promised mountains of gold and forced to wait for a year to receive Moreover the seed they had been given was rye and would not grow on irrigated soil With the increase of such complaints the friendly relations that had existed between the Russians and natives were brought to an end

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CTC HIST 2311 - Did Pahlen predict the uprising of 1916?

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