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1 The costume designer is responsible for creating the set in a theatre production False Question 2 1 1 pts 2 Practical considerations like how high each tread should be on a flight of stairs are not important in scenic design it is only about aesthetics False Question 3 1 1 pts 3 Symbols play a large role in design A single item on stage can suggest an entire room For instance a stained glass window suspended in midair suggests a church or synagogue False Question 4 1 1 pts 4 Scene design is especially important in indicating to us whether a play is realistic or departs from realism True True True True False Question 5 1 1 pts 5 It is never the objective of a stage set to tell where and when the play takes place False Question 6 1 1 pts 6 The scene designer develops a design concept without consulting the director True True False 7 The elements of the stage design lines shapes and colors should add up to a complete visual universe for the play Often therefore the designer tries to develop a central image or metaphor True 8 Blocking is a blueprint or floor plan of the stage indicating the placement of scenery furniture doors and windows and the various levels of the stage as well as the walls of rooms platforms and the like True False Question 9 1 1 pts 9 The fly loft is the space above the stage where scenery may be lifted out of sight by ropes and pulleys False Question 10 1 1 pts 10 After a preliminary conference between the director and the scenic designer the designer develops preliminary sketches called thumbnail sketches to provide a basis for further discussions about the scenic elements True True False Question 11 4 4 pts 11 Match the theatre stage space with its definition black box The stage is surrounded on three sides by the audience Stage entirely surrounded by the audience thrust stage arena proscenium stage Question 12 The audience faces in one direction tow ard an enclosed stage encased by a picture frame opening A theatre space that is open flexible and adaptable usually w ithout fixed seating The stage audience configuration can be arranged to suit the individual requirements of a given production 1 1 pts 12 What is an element of scene design fishing line velocity composition flat fly scrim costumes food coloring Question 13 1 1 pts 13 Thin open weaved fabric that is nearly transparent when lit from behind and opaque when lit from the front wagon Question 14 1 1 pts 14 Properties objects that are used by performers onstage or are necessary to complete a set props Question 15 1 1 pts 15 Staff member responsible for scheduling construction and installation of all equipment he or she is responsible for guaranteeing that designs are executed according to the designer s specifications paint charge artist Question 16 1 1 pts 16 Right side of the stage from the point of view of a performer facing the audience lights turntables technical director scene charge artist property designer stage left stage right downstage upstage Question 17 1 1 pts 17 At or toward the back of the stage away from the front edge of the stage stage left stage right downstage upstage

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