MORFOSINTASSI INGLESE 22 02 2022 PROCESSES OF WORD FORMATION DERIVATION AND COMPOUNDING DERIVATION vedi dispense prof The addition of a derivational affix to a root produces a new word with one or more of the following changes Phonological change including stress change reduce reduction An orthographic change to the the root pity pitiful deny denial A semantic change husband husbandry event eventual A change in word class eat v etable adj impress v impression n DERIVATIONAL AFFIXES vedi dispense prof x sicurezza They can be prefixes or suffixes Native from oe or foreign borrowings especially french Their productivity ranges from very limited th as in to quite extensive Which affix attaches to which root is quite arbitrary and unpredictable Thus derivation is part of the lexicon not part of the grammar of a language DERIVATIONAL PREFIXES vedi dispense prof Only three prefixes which are no longer productive in english systematically change the part of speech of the root A N V A Ablaze asleep astir astride abed abroad BE N V betoken befriend EN A n v enlarge MEANING CHANGING DERIVATIONAL PREFIXES Non cambia la categoria solo il significato Number tri triannual tricycle multi multilingual multimillioner multinational Place in in patient infield ingrown inter interconnect interlace Degree super superintensive superheat over overanxious overdue Privation a amoral apolitical un unlock unfold Negation un unafraid unsafe unwise anti antisocial antitrust antiwar Size micro microcosm microchip microfilm mini miniskirt minivan Some of those prefixes are native english after in over un while pre inter super and mini come from latin and tri a ad micro from greek Many of the native prefixes also exist as indipendent prepositions and adverbs under over DERIVATIONAL SUFFIXES Suffixes have two functions change the meaning of the root and the part of speech of the root Many suffixes attached to nouns change their meaning but not their class The diminuitive suffixes ling let y ie princeling piglet daddy hoodie The feminine suffixes ess ette rix ine actress usherette dominatrix The abstract suffixes ship hood ism making abstract nouns out of nouns frindship neighborhood hoodlumism suffixes denoting people such as i an ist er librarian texan marxist londoner Some suffixes only change the meaning attached to adj ish nearly not exactly as greenish coldish ly resemblance es goodly sickly lonely CLASS CHANGING DERIVATIONAL SUFFIXES Very often suffixes change the word class of the root V N A N Any suffix which produces a noun is called a nominalizer A suffix which produces a verb is called verbalizer One which produces an adjective from a noun a verb or another adjective is called an adjectivalizer The smallest set of class changing suffixes is the adverbializer NOMINALIZER SUFFIXES V N ment er ation al ance ence ignorance refusal legalization worker arrangement judgement A N dom ness ity legality happiness freedom A CASE STUDY IST vedi appunti monica The formation of complex words is not always entirely predictable or regular ist is typically added to common nouns or proper nouns It results in a phonet The semnatics of ist words is also more complex than first suggested since such words may denote persons adherent to a theory anarchist person exercising a scientific profession dentist pr persons addicted to an ideology A N V ify ize ate en pacify simplify publicize orchesrate lighten A N ADV ward ly way homeward quicly anyway someway In the last category VERBALIZER SUFFIXES ADVERBIALIZER SUFFIXES Productive process ADJECTIVALIZER SUFFIXES N A y ous ful flowery delightful famous V A ive able ful ent ant absorbent hopefull accetable generative SPLINTERS The false morphological division of words may result in more or less productive suffixes Ham burger cheeseburger fishburger Alc oholic workaholic chocaholic rageaholic Mar athon telethon workathon telethon swimathon walkathon Pano rama autorama motorama Caval cade aquacade motorcade Heli copter heliport helidrome helistop These words might also be analyzed as blends as we will see EXPRESSING DERIVATION Derivation can be stated in terms of lexical rules Mis align v ment misalignment n Image n ine ary imaginary a False a ify falsify v REDUPLICATION A process similar to derivation in which the initial syllabe or the entire word is doubled exactly or with a slight phonological change Not a common or regular process in english Often used in children s language boo boo putt putt Types exact reduplication papa mama goody goody so so Ablaut reduplication in which the vowel alternates and the consonants are identical criss cross zig zag Rhyme reduplication in which the consonants change while the vowel remains the same fuddy duddy razzle dazzle roly poly hocus pocus Reduplication can be formed with 2 meaningful parts for ex flower power brain drain boy toy Reduplication has many different functions it can express disparagement namby pamby intensification super duper diminuition teeny weeny onomatopoeia tick tock or alternation ping pong among other uses COVERSION OR FUNCTIONAL SHIFT chiedi monica A functional shift involves the conversion of one part of speech to another without the addition of a suffix as in phone n to phone v It is sometimes said a zero derivational suffix is added The only concrete change that may occur in a functional shift is a change in stress COMMON KINDS OF FUNCTIONAL SHIFTS IN ENG V N a run drive walk bruise cut look call dump spy N V to man head shoulder telephone lust contact skin mail most common A V to empty dirty quiet idle dirty bare quiet tame lower A N a daily double private commercial formal red roast PARTICLE V to down up off out thwart LESS COMMON KINDS OF CONVERSION Prep n ins and outs ups and downs Adv n whys and wherefores Prefix n pros and cons To hammer the stake with a rock Is the noun or the verb original Stress changes accompany the conversion of phrasal verbs to nouns V prt comeback runoff takeover makeup rundown showoff It is difficult to know in conversions which is the original form and which the converted one
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