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Fichas de aprendizaje MEA 101 Final NCSU Quizlet 2 1 22 7 45 AM Alternative energy sources Wind Solar Biomass Andesitic Magma Moderate silica causes violent eruptions angular unconformity the boundary between a set of tilted layers and a set of horizontal layers felsic lava gases can t escape explosive Gravel sand roll bounce slide Bad Lava bed load calderas Biggest Volcanic Eruption Wah wah springs a huge bowl shaped depression formed when an empty magma chamber collapses after a volcanic eruption Cenozoic Era Large mammals abundant Climate change a change in global or regional climate patterns in the long term Climate change may be due to Natural internal processes Natural external forcings Anthropogenic humans composite volcano of ash cinder and lava tall mountain with steep sides and wide base made up of alternate layers Continental crust Crust about 30km to 100km thick that makes up the continents convergent boundary A plate boundary where two plates move toward each other Cryovulcanism Enceladus and Triton Darker Igneous Rocks Oceanic low silica Mafic Deep depths high temperature ductile deformation rocks flow dip slip fault blocks move parallel to the dip of the fault https quizlet com 395768906 mea 101 final ncsu flash cards Page 2 of 9 Fichas de aprendizaje MEA 101 Final NCSU Quizlet 2 1 22 7 45 AM Discharge formula L m W m Velocity m s disconformity the unconformity are parallel a type of unconformity in which the sedimentary layers above and below dissolved load dissolved minerals divergent boundary plates move apart double chain silicates two single chains of tetrahedra link to each other by sharing oxygen atoms Drumlins a long canoe shaped hill made of till and shaped by an advancing glacier Earthquake Intensity Scale I XII intensity rating Earthquake size is described by two the severity of damage intensity and the amount of ground motion measurements magnitude eccentricity shape of orbit changes distance to sun Element means Substances that cannot be separater into simpler substances by chemical Eons of Earth History Phanerozoic 0 542 mya Proterozoic 542 2500 mya Archean 2500 4600 Eras of Phanerozoic Eon Paleozoic Mesozoic Cenozoic Eskers meltwater deposits of reworked till that form in tunnels carved under glaciers by Felsic Magma magma that is silica rich Rhyolitic high viscosity retains volatiles low density low temperature Feldspar and Quartz Footwall The block of rock that forms the lower half of a fault Formation of clastic sedimentary rocks Breakdown Transportation Lithification https quizlet com 395768906 mea 101 final ncsu flash cards Page 3 of 9 Fichas de aprendizaje MEA 101 Final NCSU Quizlet 2 1 22 7 45 AM framework silicates form when each tetrahedron is bonded to four other tetrahedra Gas giants Jupiter and Saturn glacial outwash coarse sediment deposited on a glacial outwash plain by meltwater streams other 96 5 Salt water 3 5 fresh water Fresh Water 68 7 in glaciers and ice caps 30 1 in ground water 9 Surface Freshwater 87 Lakes 11 Swamps Rivers 2 Global distribution of water gradient Half life change in elevation over a distance Time it takes for half of an isotope to decay Hanging wall the block of rock that lies above an inclined fault or an ore body hazards associated with earthquakes ground shaking causes most damage liquefaction landslide tsunami Hot Spots Places where molten material from the mantle reaches the lithosphere How is oil preserved trapped in pore spaces faults salt domes unconformities lenses Inflow recharge how groundwater enters Isolated Silicate Olivine single silica tetrahedra kettle lakes small lakes formed by ice pieces from a glacier lahars mudflows debris mixes with water in streams of from melted ice Larger visible mineral grains Plutonic igneous rocks lava domes bulbous mass of congealed lava associated with explosive eruptions https quizlet com 395768906 mea 101 final ncsu flash cards Page 4 of 9 Fichas de aprendizaje MEA 101 Final NCSU Quizlet 2 1 22 7 45 AM Lighter Igneous Rocks Continetal high silica Felsic Liquefaction Mafic magma The process by which an earthquake s violent movement suddenly turns loose soil into liquid mud magma that is silica poor Basaltic low viscosity releases volatiles high density high temperature Olivine Pyroxene Biotite Magnitudes increase in energy logarithmically Mesozoic Era birds Grasses and flowering plants dinosaurs anf reptiles Microscopic Mineral Grains Volcanic igneous rocks Mineral A naturally occurring inorganic solid made up of one or more elements Has a definite chemical composition and uniform atomic structure Most abundant elements for the entire Earth Iron Oxygen Silicon Magnesium Nickel Sulfur Most abundant elements in Earth s crust Oxygen Silicon Aluminum Iron Calcium O Si Al Fe Ca Most earthquakes occur at shallow depths along plate boundaries Most volcanoes are found along subduction zones NC energy generation NC Energy use Coal 55 Nuclear 35 Natural gas 4 Hydroelectric 4 Renewables 2 28 transportation 28 residential 23 commercial 21 industrial negative forcing cools the surface nonconformity metamorphic or igneous rocks in contact with sedimentary strata https quizlet com 395768906 mea 101 final ncsu flash cards Page 5 of 9 Fichas de aprendizaje MEA 101 Final NCSU Quizlet 2 1 22 7 45 AM Normal Fault in the crust A type of fault where the hanging wall slides downward caused by tension O16 levels tell us higher O16 in oceans means warmer climates because O16 evaporates and during cold periods will be trapped on land as ice Oceanic crust earths crust located under the ocean Oil is formed By the rapid burial of marine microorganisms Outflow discharge how groundwater leaves the ground Paleozoic Era Partial Melting insects and reptiles on land fishes land plants common organisms with hard skeletons the process by which different minerals in rock melt at different temperatures Makes a more felsic magma than parent rock Plutonic Rocks Igneous rocks that solidify underground porosity and permeability proportion of empty space Permeability Capacity of water to flow The two things that movement of water through rock depends on Porosity through earth materials Positive forcing warms the surface Possible interior oceans Calisto Jupiter Mimas Saturn Titan Saturn Triton Neptune Pluto Precambrian Era water to earth 4 bya early bacterial life starts producing Oxygen 3 5 bya approx time of the origin of the Earth 4 5 bya molten earth comets add BIFs disappear 2 bya snowball earth 7

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