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Art History Final Study Guide Bronze Head of a Yoruba Ruler o Ire Nigeria o Lost wax casting o Sculptural tradition of casting lifelike human heads o Flesh is covered with thin parallel scarification pattern decorations made by scaring remarkably sensitive o Lips and eyes bulge outward o Crown suggests it may represent a female oni may have been attached to wooden figures and mannequins o Idealized images representing physical beauty and moral character o Influence from Greece or Renaissance Europe Hip Mask Representing a King s Mother o Benin Nigeria o Oba King of Benin started tradition of memorial sculpture o Ornamental mask o Carved as a belt ornament worn at the oba s hip o Pupils and scarification patterns on the forehead were inlaid with iron o Represent Idia mother of Esigie and raised army and used magical powers to son defeat enemies o Portuguese helped Esigie expand his kingdom necklace represents heads of Portuguese soldiers with beards and flowing hair o Crown Portuguese heads alternate with figures of mudfish symbolize Olokun o Oba king viewed as semidevine mediates between the human world and the the Lord of the Great Waters supernatural world of Olokun Baule Spirit Spouse o Ivory Coast o Spirit world is parallel realm spirits have families live in villages and possess personalities complete with faults and virtues each lived there before we were born and had spirit spouse we left behind when we entered this world o Difficulty assuming his or her gender specific role as an adult Baule man not married and woman not pregnant and dreams of his or her spirit spouse diviner may prescribe commissioning of an image of the spirit spouse female male o Figure displays most desirable marks of beauty spirit spouses may be encouraged to enter and inhabit them o Keeps figure in their room dresses it in beautiful textiles and jewels washes anoints feeds and caresses o Baule hopes caring for pleasing their spirit spouse balance will be restored that will free individual s human life to unfold smoothly St John on Patmos o French painter Nicolas Poussin 1640 in Italy o Reorganized nature buildings and figures into ordered compositions o Consistently organized progression from picture plane to a horizon through clearly defined foreground middle ground and background 1 Art History Final Study Guide Progress of Love o Receding zones are marked by alternating sunlight and shade and Classical architectural elements Imaginary ruined temple and obelisk left round building Hadrian s tomb Precisely placed trees hills mountains waters and clouds have architectural formal solidarity balance of order and nature o Fragonard 1771 French Rococo style o The Meeting shows a secret encounter between a young man and his sweetheart o Free and dynamic visions of lovers o Explode in color and luxurious vegetation rapid brushwork Oath of the Horatii o French Neoclassical painter Jacque Louis David 1784 o Painted as a royal commission o Inspired by Pierre Corneille s seventeenth century drama Horace based on ancient Roman history o David invented for painting Horatii taking an oath to fight to the death for Rome o Young men s father Horace standing at the center administers the oath to his sons o To the right daughter in law Sabrina from an enemy family and daughter Camilla betrothed to Sabrina s brother both weep lose someone regardless of outcome of battle o Tense energetic young men with swords strike a powerful contrast to the limp swooning of the women already mourning the tragedy to come o Figural composition is stabilized by the interlocking of classical pyramidal groupings and repeated arches in the background o Moral message valuing patriotic duty above personal interests and family obligations The Grande Odalisque o Become emblem of the French Revolution of 1789 o Ingres student of David 1814 o Emulated the Renaissance artist s graceful lyricism precise drawing and idealized forms o Most famous paintings were sultry portraits of aristocratic women and exotic orientalizing fantasies featuring nude odalisques female slaves or concubines living in a Turkish sultan s harem o Cool gaze of woman levels at her master while turning her naked body away from what we assume is his gaze makes her simultaneously erotic and aloof o Cool blues of couch and curtain heighten the effect of the woman s warm skin o Tight angular crumpled sheets accentuate the languid sensual contours of her body o Fluid lines and elegant postures Neoclassicism odalisque elongation of back widened hips tiny boneless feet romanticism helped ensure dominance of Neoclassicism over Romanticism in French painting The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters o Goya 1799 Spain Romantic movement 2 Raft of the Medusa Art History Final Study Guide o Famous as a painter and printmaker o Etching from Los Caprichos o Images are attack on contemporary Spanish manners and morals o Shows slumbering personification of Reason behind whom lurk dark creatures of the night owls bats and a cat they are loose when Reason sleeps o Following prints show follies of Spanish life hope to alert people to their errors and reawaken their reasoning o Goya s portrait of human folly and cruelty is bitter and disturbing o Gericault 1819 Romanticism Paris o Shipwreck of the Medusa o 1816 ship carrying colonists headed for Madagascar ran aground o Insufficient lifeboats 152 passengers and crew build raft tossed on stormy seas for nearly 2 weeks before it was found o 15 passengers survived on human flesh o Gericault shows moment when they first spot their rescue ship o Involves a series of interlocking triangular figural groups o Outstretched arms of victims lead viewers eyes to the upper right climactic figure of Jean Charles an African survivor is held aloft waving a red cloth to attract attention of ship o Placing black man on top and giving him power to save his comrades Gericault suggests that freedom for all will occur only when the most oppressed member of society is emancipated o Eternal struggle of humanity against the elements illustration of human tragedy revealing injustice that often causes it and inspiring responses of indignant compassion The Opera greatness pleasure o Charles Garnier 1861 1874 Paris opera house o Covered with neo Baroque decoration recall an earlier period of French o Opulence is consistent with building s primary function showcased wealth and o Gilded decoration exuberant sculpture and a lavish mix of expensive polychrome materials cover the

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