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SOCW 6140 July 30 2014 Email professor case study by August 3rd 2014 by 11 59 p m Slide 1 Understanding Duty to Warn 1976 Tarasoff v Regents man killed woman after he had told a therapist about it girl s family sued and won if harm is mentioned there are now legal obligations limited in 1985 some laws protected social workers Slide 2 Ohio statue 1997 Morgan v Fairfield Counseling Ohio Supreme Court duty to protect unidentifiable victims must access dangerousness no threat needed Slide 3 House Bill 71 limits liability to explicit threats serious harm identifiable victim must also have ability to commit identified crime physically and financially no liability for practitioner as long as someone is warned of thoughts police potential victim etc Slide 4 Morgan any danger any harm remote harm HB 71 specific danger to specific person Premeditated Slide 5 Crisis upset in a steady state adaptive resolution to crisis occurs when an organism learns new coping mechanisms Slide 6 Crisis Theory Acute time limited intervention is usually short term 4 6 weeks Slide 7 Types of Crisis Situational maturational Slide 8 Implications for Social Work should emerge at pre crisis goal maintain the pre crisis level of functioning Slide 9 Risk Assessment Lethality assessment Suicidality assessment not mutually exclusive ideation the thought can be active or passive plan what is the plan When Where Lethality pre contemplation contemplation planning action maintenance in murder not suicide intent are you going to carry this out Klott s Big 4 help negation intent psychic turmoil past attempts Slide 10 Protective Factors Pregnancy life satisfaction positive coping skills and reality testing ability Slide 11 Moving toward Resolution consult consult consult honor duty to warn responsibilities choose course of action dealing with aftermath be aware of your own safety be upfront about confidentiality laws and rules

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UT SOCW 6140 - Understanding Duty to Warn

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