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Human Physiology Exam 2 Jaques Hill 1 Cardiac Muscle Cells a Are not striated b Are spindle shaped c Cannot undergo tetanic contractions d Are multinucleated 2 Receptors for acetylcholine are located on the 3 At rest active sites on the actin are blocked by 4 The structure that overlies the organ of Corti is the a Sarcomere b Transverse tubule c Motor end plates d Synaptic knob e Synaptic cleft a Trepomyosin molecules b Myosin molecules c ATP molecules d Troponin molecules e Calcium Ions a Stapeditis b Basilar membrane c Endolymph d Perilymph e Tectorial membrane a Motor end plates b Varicosities c Axon terminals d What the heck cerebrospinal fluid flows a Dural sinus b Pia mater c Falx cerebri d Subdural space e Subarachnoid space a Norepinephrine b Acetylcholine 7 Adrenergic synapses release the neurotransmitter 5 The axons of neurons that innervate regions of smooth muscle cells divide into branches that contain swollen regions called 6 What contains a spiderweblike network of cells and and fibers through which 8 Skeletal muscle fibers differ from typical cells in that muscle fibers 9 The first step in the process of photoreception is a The bleaching of cones b Absorption of light by a visual pigment c d The bleaching of the rods e Release of neurotransmitter Inhibition of the sodium pumps 10 Each skeletal muscle fiber is controlled by a motor neuron at a single c Dopamine d GABA e Serotonin a Lack a plasma membrane b Have many nuclei c Are very small d Lack mitochondria e Both B and C a Synaptic cleft b Sarcomere c Transverse tubule d Synaptic knob e Neuromuscular junction 11 Perception of gravity and linear acceleration depends on a The force exerted by otoliths embedded in gelatinous material on hair cells b The movement of endolymph within the semicircular canals c Vibrations of the tectorial membrane striking hair cells d Changes in the pressure exerted by the cupula on hair cells e Both C and D 12 The nervous system is composed of the brain and spinal cord 13 The rapid rise and fall in force produced by a muscle fiber after a single action potential a Afferent b Central c Peripheral d Efferent e Autonomic is a An unfused tetanus b A tetanus c A twitch d An end plate potential e A muscle action potential 14 Cross bridges are portions of 15 The pituitary hormone that promotes ovarian secretion of progesterone and testicular a Tropomyosin molecules b Actin molecules c Calcium ions d Myosin molecules e Troponin molecules secretion of testosterone is a TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone b ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone c FSH follicle stimulating hormone d LH leutinizing hormone e GH growth hormone 16 Which of the following descriptions best matches the term stereocilia a Transmit movement of the tympanic membrane to the inner ear b Seal the oval window c Tiny weights necessary for the static sense of equilibrium d Move up and down when the stapes moves back and forth e Bending these produces receptor potential in hair cells 17 At rest the tropomyosin molecule is held in place by 18 The nervous system controls the skeletal muscles 19 Neurons of the supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus manufacture 20 How many neurons are in the pathway from the CNS to an effector organ in the Autonomic Nervous System a ATP molecles b Actin molecules c Calcium ions d Myosin molecules e Troponin molecules a Sympathetic b Afferent c Parasympathetic d Autonomic e Somatic efferent a CRF and GnRH b TSH and PSH c ADH and oxytocin d FSH and PRL e GHIH and GHRH a 1 b 2 c 3 21 The pituitary hormone that promotes egg development in ovaries and sperm development d More than 3 in testes is a TSH thyroid stimulating hormone b ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone c FSH follicle stimulating hormone d LH leutinizing hormone e GH growth hormone 22 When an external force bends the stereocilia of the inner ear hair cells a There is a change in the transmembrane potential of the hair cells b The cells become unresponsive c Dizziness results d The hair cells are temporarily damaged e The force is converted into mechanical energy 23 The ventral root of a spinal nerve contains a Cell bodies of sensory neurons b Cell bodies of motor neurons c Axons of sensory neurons d Axons of motor neurons e Interneurons 24 Cardiac muscle cells can transmit action potentials one to another because a They contain dense bodies b Their cell membranes contain voltage gated channels c Demosomes connect the cells d Gap junctions connect the cells 25 Controlling posture and balance and coordinating movements of the body are functions of the a Cerebrum b Mesencephalon c Medulla oblongata d Pons e Cerebellum 26 Peptide hormones are a Composed of chains of amino acids b Produced by the suprarenal glands c Derived from the amino acid tyrosine d Lipids e Chemically related to cholesterol 27 The sympathetic nervous system is responsible for a Rest and digest b Sensory perception c Fight or flight d Activating skeletal muscle 28 The part of the peripheral nervous system that carries sensory information to the CNS is designated a Efferent b Afferent c Somatic d Autonomic e Motor a Pons b Cerebellum c Midbrain d Thalamus e Medulla oblongata 29 The hypothalamus controls secretion by the adenohypophysts by a Direct neural stimulation b Indirect osmotic control c Secreting releasing and inhibiting factors into a tiny portal system d Altering ion concentrations and pH in the anterior pituitary e Gap synaptic junctions 30 Sensory information is processed and relayed to the cerebrum by the 31 Interactions between actin and myosin filaments of the sarcomere are responsible for a Muscle fatigue b The striped appearance of skeletal muscle c Muscle relaxation d The conduction of neural stimulation to the muscle fiber e Muscle contraction 32 The plasma membrane of skeletal muscle is called the 33 A hormone that helps to regulate the sodium ion content of the body is a Sarcolemma b Sarcomere c Sarcosome d Sarcoplasmic reticulum e Sarcoplasm a Cortisol b Parathormone c Thymosin d Somatotropin e Aldosterone 34 Spinal nerves are a Purely motor Involuntary b c Interneuronal d Purely sensory e Both sensory and motor 35 Hormones known as catecholamines are a Lipids b Peptides c Steroids d Derivatives of the amino acid tyrosine e Derivatives of reproductive glands 36 The dorsal root of a spinal nerve contains a Cell bodies of sensory neurons b Axons of motor neurons c Cell bodies of motor neurons d e Axons of sensory neurons Interneurons a Basal

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