Midterm 3 Biopsych 5 14 13 2 views of sleep death o 1 Sleep as an analog of death Hesoid sleep is the brother of o 2 Sleep is a special form of mental activity Arousal continuum Non invasive techniques are used to discover that sleep is in fact very o Hyper arousal mania o Optimal Alertness o Drowsy o Light sleep o Deep sleep These first five are normal o Comatose important o EEG electroencephalogram Electrical activity of the brain o EOG Electrooculogram Measures eye activity o EMG electromyogram Measures muscle activity Types of EEG patterns o Alert o Deep sleep Dement and Kleitman Low voltage low amplitude high frequency and random The wave becomes longer high amplitude slow frequency o Did a study in sleep and found that when a subject is in the deepest state of sleep the cortical activity resembles a waking state o Awake o Slow wave sleep and Rapid Eye movement are when asleep o Slow wave sleep function is to restore body strength o REM restore arousal strength of the nervous system Sleep Deprivation o Make up slow wave sleep first o Make up REM afterwards Dreams 5 15 13 o REM cycles last 15 mins and dreams seem to coincide with real time In the spinal cord the alpha motor neurons actively inhibit If not inhibited then people experience sleep walking and sleep talking which are not REM events Slow Wave Sleep Muscles are relaxed but activity is present Parasympathetic activity dominates 50 dream stages 3 4 not going to ask about this REM o Loss of muscle tone o Decreased ability to regulate body temp o Increased threshold for arousal by external stimuli more difficult to wake up to your alarm o Decreased threshold for internal arousal o If you wake some one up during REM 70 90 of people recall dreams o Penile erection is common o REM occurs 4 8 episodes every 90mins and lasts about 15mins o Oxygen consumption During REM the brain consumes more oxygen than during intense physical or mental exercise REM sleep present in all mammals except ant eaters and birds Some Facts about REM o 10 week premature infant 80 REM sleep time o Normal Infant 50 of 16hrs sleep in REM o Age 2 o Age 10 30 35 REM 25 REM o Shows a decreasing trend as you get older o Daytime mental activity correlates with REM o Senility correlates with REM as it goes down as you become senile o REM is a good predictor of if someone is going to awake from comatose the day o REM does not correlate with IQ in general population o During REM the brain reorganizes information that occurred during o Francis Crick co discovered DNA said that if you remember your dreams you retain a lot of junk o Learning correlates with REM Flower pot technique When cat enters REM it falls into the water so it wakes up and never enters REM note REM sleep is when you lose muscle control so the cat loses control and slips into the water waking it back up 4 7 days of REM deprivation Humans o Increased tension and anxiety o Memory deficit o Increased hostility irritability o Increased Hunger o Increased hallucination to photic stimulation Cats o Increased Avoidance behavior o Memory deficit o Increased aggression sex Behavior o Increase in pain sensitivity Called Hyperalgesia pain sensitivity Decrease in seizure REM Rebound See picture in notebook Note that a schizophrenic does not rebound JA Hall Catalog over 10 000 dreams o Found that 64 were about sadness apprehensive anger o 18 happy o 1 sex o READ ABOUT SLEEP DISORDERS Brain Mechanisms Ontogery recapitulates Phylogeny REM sleep likely to lie in the brainstem When transection of Encephale Isole the animal shows normal SEE PICTURE Know the cuts there will be a question on this sleep wake pattern meaning that you don t need information from the spinal cord to sleep Cerveau Isole the animal was in constant slow wave sleep the sleep wake cycle must be in the brainstem Midpontive Section the animal was in permanent awake state Sleep Center 5 HT serotonin in raphe nucleus is part of this sleep center Awake center Norepinephrine NE in locus cerilius 5 16 13 Sleep Movie Sleeping can enhance your memories and those who do not get sleep have trouble memorizing things Practice with a night of sleep can make you perfect If you have a good night of sleep you will actually do better Finding for 4 hours of sleep a night each day starts to damage your ability to function There s little to no rescue except for sleep Micro sleeps can occur well driving and are a major cause of car accidents Some major disasters like 3 mile island Chernobyl are all possibly caused by sleep deprivation People who are chronically sleep deprived think that they can handle driving like a drunk driver even though they fail simple tests College students deprived of sleep for 35 hrs o Showed them mutilated pictures and the amygdala reacted far more strongly then normal sleep patients They were more emotional because the seat of reason wasn t as active The lack of sleep may be contributing to the obesity in the country because of the hormone lepton Which tells us to eat more and more Soon after you enter sleep delta waves tell you that you are about to enter deep sleep Light to deep sleep to rem As we age the amount of time we spend in rem sleep decreases Lack of sleep can lead to diabetes o People eat more age quicker become less alert and their metabolism slows down Sleep also affects sex o A male fruit fly will not be as motivated to mate with the female o As tested not a single fruit fly who didn t sleep mated Naps might be required as well Deprivator some machine that scientists put fruit flies into to keep them from sleep o So they try and catch up on lost sleep Essential to all organisms Mushroom body part of the fruit flies brain found that it controls sleep Well you sleep your brain is reviewing what you learned Sleep makes you better at certain tasks like the typing one with the numbers Wilson uses electrodes to monitor the hippocampus of rats the hippocampus is important for mammal sleep o Then had them run a maze and the memories in sleep related to the the maze they were running o The neocortex is important for long term memory Animals and humans are trying to learn from past experiences during sleep 5 17 13 Psych Review Session Chapter 12 13 Hypothalamus and control of eating o Aphagia Failure to eat may be due to an unwillingness to eat or to motor difficulties especially with swallowing damage to the lateral hypothalamus is the cause o Hyperphagia Overeating leading to significant weight gain Observed following
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