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1 Describe the structure function and metabolic pathways that occur in the mitochondrion include outer membrane inner membrane and matrix Structure Smooth outer membrane surrounding a folded inner membrane The folds are called cristae increase surface area Matrix interior of the mitochondria Intermembrane space compartment between membranes Function ATP production Cellular respiration Mitochondrion Matrix Cellular respiration occurs here pyruvate a product of glycolysis in the cytosol is converted to CO2 and H2O Site of the Citric Acid Cycle Krebs Cycle whereby the electron transport Chain is used to set up a proton gradient between the inner and outer membrane of the mitochondria known as the intermembrane space The protons accumulate in the intermembrane space to a point that the concentration gradient causes the protons to flow back into the matrix Inner Membrane It is studded with proteins necessary for the Electron Transport Chain Upon reentering the matric the H go through the ATP synthase which in turn powers the synthase to phosphorylate ADP to ATP This membrane is folded cristae to allow for a greater surface area to utilize for the Electron Transport Chain Outer Membrane Consists of a phospholipid bilayer laced throughout with integral proteins It is permeable and allows for water ions and some proteins to flow freely into the intermembrane space 2 Describe electron transport chains in the mitochondrion What do they produce What must they have in order to function What happens to humans when this works improperly Produce 32 34 ATP H2O NAD FAD Needed NADH FADH2 Oxygen Protein complexes Mobile electron carriers Transportation of H ions across the membrane ATP synthase Malfunctions Rotenone binds tightly with one of the electron carrier molecules in the first protein complex preventing electrons form passing to the next carrier molecules this prevents ATP synthesis rotenone literally starves an organism s cells of energy often used to kill pest insects and fish Cyanide Carbon Monoxide bind to an electron carrier in the fourth protein complex where they block the passage of electrons to oxygen therefore no H gradient is generated and no ATP is made Antibiotic Oligomycin inhibits ATP synthase blocks the passage of H through the channel in ATP synthase this drug doesn t harm human cells because it cannot get through our outer layer of dead skin cells Uncouplers make the membrane of the mitochondrion leaky to H ions electron transport continues normally but ATP cannot be made because leakage of H through the membrane destroys the H gradient DNP highly toxic uncoupler all steps of cellular respiration except chemiosmosis continue to run even though almost all the energy is lost as heat creates an enormous increase in metabolic rate profuse sweating as the body attempts to dissipate excess heat and finally death

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PhilaU BIOL 103 - Notes

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