SOC Lecture 3 Notes HIV Aids o 35 million people living with HIV AIDS o 18 million of those are women about 50 o Children living with HIV AIDS 3 3 million Media Representations o Slow to pick up on HIV AIDS Magic Johnson African American Straight Still wealthy doing well viewed as healthy o Have the mindset that if Johnson is doing fine with AIDS everyone is Have to look at the status they are in wealth o African Americans Women Problem is in Africa but have to look at US as well Worldwide Trends o 1997 2010 Annual new HIV infections fell by 21 percent o 2010 New Infections 15 percent less 2001 21 percent less than the number of new infections in 1997 the peak of the epidemic o The rate of HIV infection is falling in 33 countries o HIV rates are going down US Epidemic o Annual number of new infections 50 000 Remained relatively stable since the 1990 s TopHat Does HIV AIDS remain a major problem in the U S Yes but declining Who does the stable rate impact Disease is not distributed equally across the economy Highest with white men having sex with men However there is more white men in society than black men o Numbers are misleading o Prevalence Rate African American Men at the highest risk Then Hispanic and then white Talking about issues in poverty o Every nine and half minutes somewhere in America someone is infected with HIV o Half of them are black o AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women ages 25 34 Is this a social problem Leading cause of death o African American men are 6 times more likely to become infected than other men o Rates of death from AIDS is 10 times higher for black Americans than for whites o If Black America was a country it would have the 16th highest HIV infection rate in the world o In Washington DC the prevalence of HIV is higher than most African countries 3 2 o African American HIV Changing graph 1980s Blacks shot ahead of Whites Endgame film Culture conditions in San Francisco and Oakland African Gay community compared to White gay community Economic Political Social Condition o Culture Silence Shame Stigma Suspicions and fears Thought that government put the disease into America Vulnerable women don t have occupations prostitutes o Employment rates poverty More people are vulnerable o Crack epidemic Major impact on spread of HIV AIDS o Prison Low economic opportunities More and more men going to jail Are not a lot of men left in the community for potential partners Women competing for partners willing to do more to get the guy Affects spread MTM and MTF o Not protected o Come back into the community with the disease o Drug Paraphernalia Act Arrested for carrying needles drug paraphernalia Drug user should go to jail No longer able to carry your own needles using other people s needles Purpose was to stop drug use o Latent function leads people to contract AIDS o Lack of access to care Poverty vs non poverty situations o Global number of people living with HIV by year o What are the consequences of people with HIV having children Children being orphans Poverty o Population is declining Education declining Poverty increasing Food is declining Children go into unsafe territory o Fight in wars to get food and shelter o Understanding the Spread of HIV in Africa o Theory Central dynamic labor intensive farming requires large families Need another worker just have another kid Economic and political party o Core nations exploit peripheral nations for their own profit Central effect Fertility vs chastity polygamy vs monogamy What you value polygamy supplies more kids It is okay to have multiple partners Need to work the land in order to survive Economic and political party o Multinational corporations create only low wage jobs extracting raw materials in a few centralized locations Social consequence multiple sexual partners Economic and political party o Men leave farms to seek work and visit prostitutes Women cants survive on the farms and vulnerable to sex transactions Health effect HIV spreads Economic and political party o HIV spreads o See spread of HIV just on the truck routes in Africa Prostitutes and truck drivers meet Impacting women more than men o More and more women are becoming infected with HIV AIDS Causes of Feminization of HIV Gender Inequality o Differential access to literacy and education o Child care responsibility limit economic opportunities o Early marriage school dropout and relationship power o Restricted mobility o Barriers in accessing HIV prevention and treatment o Denial of property and inheritance rights Violence Cultural practices o Threats disallow healthy sexual decision making o Sexual abuse in childhood and forced sex o Having sex with relative of passed spouse widow cleansing Solutions ABC Abstinence Be Faithful and Condom Use o Focus on the individuals as the site for intervention Abstinence is meaningless in the face of coercion and poverty Faithfulness offers little protection to wives whose husbands have several partners or were infected before marriage Condoms require the cooperation of men Gender Economics Migration Solutions GEM Gender Gender specific and gender empowering HIV prevention efforts o Condom use is embedded within power relations Woman s monogamy doesn t guarantee safety Alternative sex Focus on negotiation skills o Gendered sexual scripts Masculinity Economics o Economic and Educational Contexts and Structural Interventions Economic disparities by sex increase the likelihood of unsafe sex Trade money or food for sex Recognize contexts that prioritize boys educational achievement over girls Girls often pulled out of school to care for sick family members Mom or Dad come down with HIV AIDS Address role of transactional sex relationships o Migration and Population Movements o Increases risk of HIV AIDS as people travel out o Not just males but also female migrants Domestic jobs with high levels of gender inequality and sexual violence o Bridge model interconnected pathways Migration Crime and Prison o 2012 Violent crime occurs every 26 seconds What are the problems with these estimates Fear location overestimate accuracy o Crime rates overtime are decreasing Legal offenses vary by jurisdiction Graph looks like if we put more people in jail crime rates go down o Crime behavior that violates the criminal law and is punishable by a fine jail term or other negative sanctions 2 categories Misdemeanors o Minor crime public drunkenness Felonies Delinquency o Serious crime murder rape o
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