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Coms 130 Midterm Review Civic Engagement Being responsible paying attention to news attending public meetings working for political causes signing petitions writing to elected representatives speaking at political meetings Ethical Speaking telling the truth and being responsible for what you say 5 Canons of Public Speaking Invention Analyzing topic identifying key issues main points searching for suitable evidence support material Arrangement previews easily identifiable main points transitions introduction conclusion Style Encompasses the use of language Memory Commit to memory the ideas of your speech structure of those ideas key transition Delivery engaging delivery is key to a strong speech points Key Terms Plagiarism Taking all of part of your speech from a source without proper attribution Paraphrasing summarizing or restating another person s ideas in your own words Demagoguery A speaker who is purposefully deceptive or manipulative Public Deliberation Coming together to talk about common problems Hate Speech intentionally offensive Isometric Exercise tensing and then relaxing specific muscles useful relaxation technique Aerobic Exercise walking jogging running reduces tension Active Listening Listening to other speakers to draw attention away from your own anxieties and may give you ideas for last minute changes Target Audience a certain demographic group the speaker is trying to get to or their ideal audience Saliency personal relevance Gender Identity One s sense of sexual identity of male and female tendencies and characteristics as shaped by social norms or expectations Socially Constructed The process by which roles and behaviors are determined as appropriate in different cultures Racism belief in superiority or inferiority of particular races Ethnocentrism belief that one s own ethnic heritage is superior to all others Brainstorming writing down anything that comes to mind under a particular category Objectivity entirely neutral toward toward a topic we know and care about General Purpose informative persuasive ceremonial Specific Purpose ultimate response the speaker hopes to achieve Thesis Statement declarative statement that sums up your speech Information Literacy ability to recognize when information is needed and to locate evaluate and use effectively the needed information Supporting Material evidence to support idea Personal Testimony personal opinions interpretations and judgments Formal Outline full sentence representation of speech Key Word Outline Ex Notecards abbreviated formal outline to remind you of key points Lay Testimony based on experience that is not your own or an experts Expert Testimony experts experience opinions Working Outline develop while brainstorming Denotative literal meaning of word Connotative emotional implications word may suggest Sensory Appeals audience members are encouraged to see hear or feel something Figures of Speech heighten the beauty of expression or clarity of ideas or emotional impact of speeches Clich s overused expressions Technical Language Ex Chemistry language computer language anatomy language Gendered Language typically language that excludes women has negative effects on those excluded Trait Anxiety speaking anxiety no matter what context topic or audience State Anxiety particular set of circumstances triggers communication apprehension Communication Apprehension Causes particular audience size importance group focus beliefs setting small large indoor outdoor temperature Manage Speaking Apprehension be well prepared develop positive attitude practice anticipate situation Audience Demographics Age gender race ethnicity intercultural factors religion geographical cultural environment Education occupation or profession economic status You need to be aware so you don t come across as offensive Maslow s Hierarchy listeners will be more engaged by appealing to their higher needs Ensure listener s personal safety reinforce feelings of love and sense of belonging helping listeners feel appreciated by others helping listeners realize their own potential identifying audience values Physiological needs food shelter Safety needs stability security Belonging needs love acceptance Esteem need status self worth Self actualization needs achievement self improvement Patterns of Organization Chronological Sequential Step by step order of events Spatial by geography Categorical emphasizes distinct topics types forms qualities or aspects of the speech subject Climatic sequence from simple to difficult Casual cause and effect Problem Solution identify problem propose solution Narrative Four Functions Sharing Ideas and Information Raising Awareness Articulating Alternatives Four Types Description describe place event or person Demonstration aim to teach audience how something works Explanation help audience understand abstract complicated or unfamiliar things Informative technical to inform organization of recent events discoveries or other vital information

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