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Chapter 9 Theories of Social Development I Psychoanalytic Theories A View of Children s Nature 1 Freud 2 Erikson a Behavior motivated by unconscious basic drives B Central Developmental Issues 1 Continuity vs discontinuity 2 Differences among individuals 3 Nature vs nurture C Freud s Theory of Psychosexual Development 1 Basic Features of Freud s Theory a Development arises from developmental crises related to biological maturation a Unconscious drives become focused in a particular area of the body i Those areas become erogenous zones for a period of time 2 The Developmental Process a Parts of the mind Attempts to satisfy id while maintaining social and cultural regulations Conscience or moral compass Reflects child s internalization of parents standards of acceptable i Id ii Ego Most primitive desires Pleasure principle Focuses on maximizing gratification innate Develops towards end of first year of life Reality principle of outside world Develops into sense of self iii Superego behavior b Stages i Oral Birth 1 year Pleasure centered around mouth 1 2 years of age ii Anal Pleasure centered around bladder and bowels Correlates with age of toilet training iii Phallic 3 6 years of age Pleasure centered around genitals Gender identification Oedipus Electra complex Child identifies with same sex parent Child subconsciously desires to form a romantic relationship with their opposite sex parent iv Latency 6 12 years of age puberty Lack of pleasure center v Genital 12 years of age c Fixation i May occur if children s needs are not met during a particular stage ii Results in stagnant development D Erikson s Theory of Psychosocial Development 1 The Developmental Process a Trust vs Mistrust i 0 1 years of age ii Infant develops ability to trust others or has difficulty forming intimate relationships b Autonomy vs Shame and doubt i 1 3 5 years of age ii Toddler develops self esteem and self control or doubt abilities and feel ashamed Initiative vs Guilt i 4 6 years of age ii Child develops high standards and initiative to meet goals or feels guilty Industry vs Inferiority i 6 12 years of age puberty ii Child learns to be industrious and cooperate with others in order to feel competent or feels inadequate Identity vs Role confusion i 12 20 years of age ii Child discovers their niche in life or feels lost about who they are c d e E Current Perspectives 1 Minimal support regarding specific aspects of Freud s and Erikson s theories 2 General concepts still applicable though not necessarily correct II Learning Theories A View of Children s Nature 1 External factors shape personality 2 Behavior motivated or extinguished by rewards and punishments B Central Developmental Issues 1 Lack qualitatively different stages a Gradual exposure to a feared stimulus resulting in extinguishing the fear 2 Learning principles are mechanisms of change C Watson s Behaviorism 1 Little Albert experiment 2 Systematic desensitization D Skinner s Operant Conditioning 1 Use of attention as a reinforcer 2 Intermittent reinforced a Produces most extinction resistant behavior 3 Behavior modification a Altering an existing behavior from undesirable or inappropriate to desirable E Social Learning Theory 1 Albert Bandura a Bobo doll observational experiment b More aggression in children if adult is not punished 2 Children learn mainly through imitation of others behavior 3 Reciprocal determinism a Child s characteristics leads them to seek certain environments which in turn affect the child s characteristics 4 Perceived self efficacy a One s beliefs about how effectively he or she can control own thoughts behaviors and emotions b Perceived self efficacy for affect regulation c Perceived academic self efficacy F Current Perspectives 1 Allow for experimental testing 2 Very applicable 3 Criticisms a Doesn t include biological effects b Doesn t consider influences of cognition on behavior III Theories of Social Cognition A View of Children s Nature 1 Self socialization B Central Developmental Issues 1 Active child 2 Individual differences 3 Continuity perspective a Children s active shaping of own development a Selman s stage theory of role taking 4 Discontinuity perspective a Dweck s attributional account of academic achievement C Selman s Stage Theory of Role Taking 1 Role taking a Ability to adopt the perspective of another person b Directly linked with theory of mind 2 Stages of development a 6 8 years of age i Understand others can have other perspectives but assume it is due to the fact that they do not possess the same information as the child b 8 10 years of age c 10 12 years of age d 12 years of age social group i Children can consider another s point of view i Can compare other s views to their own and assess two others points of view i Compare another s perspective by comparing to that of most people in their D Dodge s Information Processing Theory of Social Problem Solving 1 Hostile attributional bias a General expectation that others intend to do a child harm E Dweck s Theory of Self Attributions and Achievement Motivation 1 Incremental theory of intelligence a b Child with this view who fails works harder to achieve goal Intelligence can be gained through effort i Incremental mastery orientation ii Base self worth on effort and learning not on judgment of others 2 Entity theory of intelligence Intelligence is stagnant throughout lifetime a b Child with this view who fails feels helpless i Entity helpless orientation ii Base self worth on success and praise 3 Achievement Motivation a Willingness to strive i Joy in mastery 2 y o ii Approval seeking 2 3 y o Motivation depends on others iii Implementation of own standards 3 Development of pride and shame b Source of achievement motivation i Home life Parental attachment External stimulation presence of opportunities on which to succeed Authoritative parenting Firm democratic and supportive ii Peers Support or reject achievement of child c Attributing Achievement i Locus and Cause of Achievement Internal stable Attributed to ability External stable Attributed to difficulty of task Internal unstable Attributed to effort External unstable Attributed to luck d Fostering Achievement i Attribution retaining Failures due to unstable causes Encourage children to work harder ii Dweck s hypothesis testing Growth mindset vs fixed mindset one group was told that intelligence is fixed other group was told that intelligence increases over time growth mindset group outperformed fixed

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UW-Madison PSYCH 560 - Chapter 9: Theories of Social Development

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