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Streaming Video video can be viewed on YouTube etc Hollywood Majors produce 10 15 productions distribute 10 12 films to other companies Business and Art Hollywood 1920s 50s 1 Bigger screens for having blown up faces o Viewer interest 2 Longer takes 8 11 seconds 3 Movie Palace the ONLY place you can see a film Modern 1 Smaller screens for close ups 2 Faster cuts a Viewer interest 3 DVDs BluRay etc WHAT FACTORS CHANGED CINEMA 1 Television 1940s 2 Home Videos 1980s Sony Pictures Entertainment Colombia Pictures o Spider Man 3 Da Vinci Code Warner Bros Disney o Inception Batman Begins The Polar Express o Pirates of the Caribbean 20th Century Fox o Avatar Die Hard 4 X Men 3 Universal o King Kong Bourne Ultimatum Paramount o Iron Man MGM NOT a major anymore o Legally Blonde 2 The Pink Panther Domestic theatrical market U S and Canada earn LESS than overseas Minors Independents limited release market Cheaper productions LESS publicity and distribution Film as an Art Form Venice Film Festival 1932 Italy Cannes Film Festival 1946 France International distribution of films improved the cinema industry Box Office Success is earned during opening weekend and drops significantly in the weeks to follow o ex Spider Man 3 earned 151mil in opening weekend but dropped 62 the o Counter Avatar gained more and more each week after the opening Annual ticket sales tell more about a film than its box office success Rentals revenues returned to the studio distributor and from which profit arises after following expenses o Box office grossing doesn t include the cost it took to make the movie Expensive movies may gather a lot of box office success but do not make much profit ex Iron Man 353mil cost 186mil Blair Witch Project 120mil cost 35 000 negative cost the expense the production has incurred including salaries costs etc Profit Participants share in a film s profit alongside the studio Actors take points to earn a percentage of the profit Outside investors help finance the film Ancillary Markets non theatrical markets that also generate revenue for the studio Broadcast television DVD BluRay companies digital distribution Netflix licensing of Product Tie In products that carry a name or idea featured in the film that create revenue characters to logos comic books for a studio t shirts toys mugs etc o ex Jaws 1975 shark memorabilia Product Placement companies give money to studios to ensure that their products are shown on screen International Influence 1 Provokes overseas filmmakers to position their work to relate to foreign cinema 2 Employs migr directors 3 Remakes foreign films and then distributes them overseas

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BC FILM 2202 - Business and Art

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