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Chapter 19 Political culture broadly shared values beliefs and attitudes about how the government should function and politics should operate American political culture emphasizes the values of liberty equality and democracy Moralistic political culture the belief that the government should be active in promoting the public good and that citizens should participate in politics and civic activities to ensure that good Individualistic political culture the belief that government should limit its role to providing order in society so that citizens can pursue their economic self interests Traditionalistic political culture the belief that government should be dominated by political elites and guided by tradition Elite a small group of people that dominate the political process Provincialism a narrow limited and self interested view of the world North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA trade treaty among the United States Canada and Mexico to lower and eliminate tariffs among the three countries Urbanization the process by which people move from rural areas to cities Political economy the complex interrelations between politics and the economy as well as their effect on one another Today the African American population of the state is concentrated in East Texas and urban areas The Texas economy diversified in the 1980s and 1990s with the rapid growth of enterprises in the Austin and Dallas areas High tech The fastest growing ethnic group in Texas are Hispanics The population of Texas has grown rapidly since the early 1990s for all of the following reasons except improved nutrition The concept of emphasizes rural values and Jeffersonian notions of limited government Provincialism took off as an industry after the Civil War expanding throughout the state by the twentieth century it become a cyclical industry thriving during economic booms and struggling when international and national prices declined Ranching Which of the following economic sectors dominated Texas politics throughout the latter half of the twentieth century Business state political cultures were rooted in New England where Puritans and other religious groups sought to create the Good Society Moralistic Texas is the second largest state consisting of approximately square miles 267 000 Compared with the rest of the nation the effect of the Great Recession 2008 2010 on Texas has been less severe Which of the following is not among the four distinct physical regions of the state of Texas Great Plateau The discovery of oil at in 1901 produced Texas s first oil boom Spindletop An important effect of the oil and gas boom in Texas was the development of a new mentality to economic life in the state called boom and bust The sought to create a free trade zone in North America North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA One of the earliest cash crops in Texas was cotton Texas is categorized as having a political culture Traditionalistic individualistic state political cultures originated in the middle states where individuals sought material wealth and personal freedom through commercial activities Individualistic The process of urbanization in Texas is now nearly complete as nearly 88 percent of Texans live in urban areas A political culture developed in the South reflecting the values of the slave plantation economy and its successor the Jim Crow era Traditionalistic States often demonstrate a distinct that is the product of their entire history political culture Which of the following is not used by Daniel Elazar to describe state political cultures Monistic The Commission expanded its original mission and began regulating oil and gas production in 1917 Railroad Compared with the rest of the nation the population of Texas is relatively young The Party dominated Texas politics from the end of Reconstruction until the 1990s Democratic

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