1 Management 3200 Final Exam Study Guide MOTIVATION 1 What are the five needs in Maslow s hierarchy of needs a Physiological procreation sex food water shelter etc b Safety security and stability ex good insurance policy c Social belongingness acceptance friendship love Ex considerate employees d Esteem recognitions and respect from other people for a job well done Ex award banquet e Self Actualization maximizing your potential being all you can be knowledge for the sake of knowledge never fully satisfied nobody is perfect money can satisfy all of these 2 According to Maslow what motivates your behavior lowest unsatisfied need in the hierarchy 3 What does Maslow believe about satisfied needs satisfied needs don t motivate you 4 What needs are typically unsatisfied in most organizations Why is this the case What would help satisfy these needs typically unsatisfied esteem and self actualization most jobs are specialized enriched jobs or craft jobs would help satisfy 5 What need is the highest level of personal motivation How many people reach this level Is it ever fully satisfied or fulfilled highest level of personal motivation self actualization not many reach this level never fully satisfied once you satisfy this need it is temporary then you want more 6 What is a peak experience Peak Experience momentary self actualization 7 What does the research say about Maslow s hierarchy of needs found 3 needs motivate behavior rather than the 5 propose by Maslow everyone doesn t climb the hierarchy in the same progression not the same value system or motivation satisfied needs can still motivate an employee s behavior 8 What are the three needs in ERG theory that can motivate behavior a Existence 2 physiological safety b Relatedness 2 social esteem c Growth 1 self actualization 2 9 What does Alderfer s ERG theory say about a satisfied need satisfied needs can still motivate 10 What is the frustration regression principle in ERG theory What does it say about need frustration Frustration Regression if existence needs are satisfied then you move on to relatedness needs but you can always regress back to existence needs Ex get a new job but hate your new employees and boss but you can always get a raise not stuck if a need is frustrated you can still be motivated Maslow says that if a need is frustrated then you re stuck and cannot move anywhere 11 What does Herzberg say is the opposite of job satisfaction The opposite of job dissatisfaction Job satisfaction motivation No job satisfaction Job dissatisfaction demotivation No job dissatisfaction Neutral States 12 What is a motivator factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory Motivators are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy Factors that affect job satisfaction Interesting challenging Achievement Recognition Advancement Sense of fulfillment job enrichment creates job satisfaction specialized jobs create no job satisfaction 2 Factor Theory factors that cause an employee to be satisfied were different from the ones that caused them to be dissatisfied related to Maslow s needs of esteem and self actualization 13 What is a hygiene factor and what is it related to in 2 factor theory Hygienes are like what needs in Maslow s hierarchy Hygienes Factors that affect job dissatisfaction prevent something bad from happening Pay Benefits Co Workers Supervisors Working condition Company policy if good create no job dissatisfaction if bad create job dissatisfaction cannot be motivated by hygienes 2 Factor Theory factors that cause an employee to be satisfied were different from the ones that caused them to be dissatisfied like Maslow s needs of safety social and physiological 14 What does Herzberg advocate as the only way to motivate employees job enrichment assumes everyone is expressively motivation towards work leaves out instrumental motivation 3 15 What is the effect of good pay good supervision good benefits on job dissatisfaction Can hygiene factors motivate people according to Herzberg prevents it creating no job dissatisfaction no because true motivation comes from within internal not external Ex specialized job that pays poorly no JS and JDS worst case scenario Ex enrich job that pays well JS and no JDS best case scenario 16 What are the problems with Herzberg s 2 Factor Theory a Based on interview with accountants and engineers not representative of the entire work force instrumental motivation was ignored her works for white collar workers but not for blue collar workers b Way he conducted the interviews led to biased responses Self Serving Bias take credit for our successes and blame others for our failures c It s a one best way theory of motivation only by the way of an enriched job d Some people s hygienes are other people s motivators 17 What is the basic premise behind Locke s Goal Setting Theory of Motivation there is a direct connection between what we intend to do and what we actually do intentions goals the goals we have will influence what we exhibit 18 What does SCARF mean in goal setting theory S goals should be specific in terms of what s desired and when it s desired by C goals should be challenging yet achievable A goals should be accepted by the person ownership commitment R goal attainment should be rewarded R increases A F one should receive feedback on goal related performance participation in goal setting does not always increase acceptance 19 3 Ways to Increase Goal Acceptance 1 Rewards for goal attainment 2 Participation in goal setting by the employee 3 Autocratic tell and sell method of goal setting Effectiveness depends on situation 20 How does participation in goal setting increase performance if you participate in goal setting your acceptance is increased accepting the goal helps you reach your goal 21 When does participation in goal setting not work 1 Employees don t always want to participate 2 Low trust environment 3 Manager is an autocrat 4 22 What is the autocratic tell sell method of goal setting When do you use it low trust manager is an autocrat and employee doesn t want to participate as a manger you tell them what the goal is then you sell it to them explains the reason importance and value of achieving the goal the selling increase acceptance use when participation does not work 23 In Skinner s Reinforcement Theory what is Thorndike s law of effect behaviors that are followed by positive consequences will tend to be repeated whereas those behaviors that are followed by negative or no consequence
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