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EXAM 2 OBJECTIVES FROM THE TEXTBOOK MGMT 5 Chapter 5 Planning and Decision Making 1 What is c type conflict and a type conflict p 101 102 a C type Conflict Cognitive conflict focuses on problem and issue related differences of opinion Group member disagree because their different experiences and expertise lead them to view the problem and its potential solutions differently b A type Conflict Affective conflict refers to the emotional reactions that can occur when disagreements become personal rather than professional A type often results in hostility anger resentment distrust cynicism and apathy 2 What is devil s advocacy p 102 a A decision making method in which an individual or a subgroup is assigned the role of critic 3 What is electronic brainstorming p 104 a A decision making method in which group members use computers to build on each others ideas and generate as many alternative solutions as possible 4 What has research revealed concerning the effectiveness of electronic brainstorming as compared to face to face brainstorming p 104 a Face to face brainstorming has many disadvantages that electronic brainstorming overcomes i Production Blocking occurs when you have an idea but have to wait to share it because someone else is already presenting an idea to the group ii Evaluation Apprehension being afraid of what others will think of your ideas With electronic brainstorming all ideas are anonymous 5 What 2 problems does electronic brainstorming overcome p 104 a Production Blocking b Evaluation Apprehension 6 What are the disadvantages of electronic brainstorming p 105 equipment a Expense of computers networks software and other b Anonymity of ideas may bother people who are used to having their ideas accepted by virtue of their position the boss c Outgoing individuals who are more comfortable expressing themselves verbally may find it difficult to express themselves in writing d Participants have to be able to type Those who can t type or type slowly may be easily frustrated and find themselves at a disadvantage compared to experienced typists Chapter 9 Designing Adaptive Organizations 7 What is the customer departmentalization p 181 a Organizes work and workers into separate units responsible for particular kinds of customers 8 What s the primary advantage of customer departmentalization p 181 a It focuses the organization on customer needs rather than on products or business functions Furthermore creating separate departments to serve specific kinds of customers allows companies to specialize and adapt their products and services to customer needs and problems 9 What s the primary disadvantage of customer departmentalization p 181 a It can lead to duplication of resources For example while it may be necessary to adapt products and marketing to different geographic locations it s doubtful that company A needs significantly different inventory tracking systems from location to location 10 What is the geographic departmentalization p 181 a Organizes work and workers into separate units responsible for doing business in particular geographic areas 11 What s the primary advantage of geographic departmentalization p 182 a It helps companies respond to the demands of different markets This can be especially important when the company sells in different countries 12 What s the primary disadvantage of geographic departmentalization p 182 a It can lead to duplication of resources For example While it may be necessary to adapt products and marketing to different geographic locations it s doubtful that Company A needs significantly different inventory tracking systems from location to location 13 What is a mechanistic organization When does it work best p 191 a Characterized by specialized jobs and responsibilities precisely defined unchanging roles and a rigid chain of command based on centralized authority and vertical communication b It works best in a stable unchanging business environment best p 191 14 What is an organic organization When does it work a An organization characterized by broadly defined jobs and responsibility loosely defined frequently changing roles and decentralized authority and horizontal communication based on task knowledge b It works best in a dynamic changing business environment 15 What is the key difference between mechanistic and organic organizations p 191 a Mechanistic organizational designs focus on organizational structure whereas organic organizational are concerned with organizational process or the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs valued by customers

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