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a undergoing Mosaic Evolution rather than Linear different parts evolve at Anthropology 2201 Final Exam Study Guide 1 Two main features of all hominins a bipedal locomotion b nonhoning chewing 2 Type of evolution humans are undergoing different rates and at different times 3 General trends a habitual vs obligate increasing body size b c increasing brain size d change in limb proportions 4 Pros and cons of bipedalism a Pros i Frees the hands for other things ii makes human less visible to arboreal predators iii permits endurance long distance with low speeds b Cons lower back pain i slipped disks ii iii weak knees iv weak exposed abdomen v vi vii childbirth difficulties limited mobility with broken limb foot fallen arches 5 Hypotheses for how bipedalism arose a Upright Provider i free hands for carrying male provisioning b Upright Scavenger i Scan territory for evidence of kill ii greater endurance iii iv reduces surface area from the sun free hands c Efficient Walker i less energy expenditure 6 Traits associated with bipedalism 7 Divergent state between humans and chimps period last common ancestor was 8 million years ago a 8 Morphological changes a Spine i b Skull i ii iii iv from c shaped spine to s shaped spine reduction in bone mass reduction in muscle attachment sites rearrangement of features reduction in prognathism i bowl shaped pelvis basin shaped to support internal organs ii broader and shorter i became more centralized so as to carry head atop it s skull c Pelvis d foramen magnum e Foot i non divergent hallux robust calcaneus ii iii platform like talus iv foot arches f dental morphology g brain size increase in enamel thickness reduction in canine size i ii iii bigger incisors smaller molars iv parabolic dental arcade i much larger ii iii iv expensive brain frontal lobe enlargement reduced post orbital constriction h knee joint fuller extension locking mechanism i ii iii anterior posterior cruciate ligaments and tibial spines 9 Early studies in paleoanthropology a b Eugene Dubois 10 Great Rift Valley studies of non human evolution focused one extant non human primates a majority of fossils found in East or South Africa b volcanic sediment plate tectonics geologic beds exposed 11 Tool technologies a Oldowan rounded stone with broken edge for cutting i homo habilis ii uniface iii iv simple chopping tools v tool caching i used by homo erectus ii biface tools iii soft hammer technique iv scavenging b Achulean c Mousterian i used by Neanderthals ii made from flint chert iii wood working and hide working iv points hafted to wooden spears v engraving tools d Magdalinean i homo sapiens ii blade technology longer thinner more manipulation required iii atlatl iv bow and arrow v distance hunting a Africa Middle East Australia Europe Asia North America South e Clovis not really covered on exam 12 Tool technologies w Neanderthals a Mousterian 13 Relations to humans interaction patterns 14 Geographical expanse of humans America b Out of Africa with Replacement c Out of Africa with Assimilation d Multiregional Continuity Model 15 Dates of arrivals on power points a Africa 200 KYA b Middle East 90 KYA c Australia 60 KYA d Europe 35 40 KYA e Asia 30 KYA f North America 11 5 KYA g South America 9 KYA 16 Agriculture development 17 Bioarcheology 18 Forensic Anthropology

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OSU ANTHROP 2200 - Final Exam Study Guide

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