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Popular Religion in the Early Republic 10 22 2013 Factors Behind Growth of New Religious Movements Religious Freedom Democratization of American society Egalitarianism of new movements Geographic expansion o US pop 2 million in 1770 7 million in 1810 Regional variation and competition o Bible belt Factors in Methodist Growth A new kind of preacher the common man Bishop Francis Asbury 1745 1816 o Born near Birmingham England o Apprentice to metal worker o Comes to America in 1771 o Rides 130 000 miles on horseback crosses the Appalachian Mountains 60 times o Piety transparency cultural sensitivity ability to organize Arminian theology o Displaces Calvinist theology for many Methodist mobility the circuit system o Standard 4 week circuit o 400 miles in circumference o 25 30 preaching appointments per round o Preachers paid 64 year Contrast with Congregationalist clergy Organizational structure o Class meetings o Society meetings o Fun events Enthusiasm African Americans join the movement o Richard Allen and the AME Women and Methodism o Jarena Lee o 10 22 2013 10 22 2013

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Mizzou HIST 1100 - Popular Religion in the Early Republic

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