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Jaymie Ticknor Intro Philosophy 1050 Sect 003 3 February 2014 Lecture 6 Plato Review two worlds transcendental world forms ideas present outside time and space eternal does not change access through reasoning mind and emotion represents fact and knowledge biased reality to Plato philosophers can access this physical material world changes all the time access through senses subjective opinion constantly in flux The Simile of the Sun just like the sun allows us to see and makes visible the form of the good illuminates all other forms line between the sun physical world and the good transcendental Divided Line The world The Cave Good The enlightenment outside of cave come back to cave to spread enlightenment moral objectivism the good is the highest form that is objective moral relativism says that there are no objective normative facts and what is right good or wrong bad is relative to particular societies or persons or moral frameworks or perspectives Earlier period for Apology Meno ends in aporia Republic does not end in aporia

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