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Bus ML 4201 Chapter 18 Non Decision Making Feeling Shortcuts Shortcut Category 4 Acting Without Feeling Think ACT Feel 1 Low Involvement Learning Developed by Krugman 1965 to explain how repetitive television advertisements can affect viewers without their awareness 2 Theory is restricted only to television or radio ads because unlike print ads which require active participation in the form of reading broadcast media can work on passive viewers 3 A second restriction It occurs only for trivial or uninvolving products i e aluminum foil tooth paste etc In these cases consumers have no reason to evaluate the product carefully and therefore they suspend their selective defense mechanisms Since these screens are normally used to block out discrepant information their suspension leaves the consumer in a vulnerable state With these screens down and over massive repetition Krugrman hypothesized that advertisements can rearrange beliefs in the viewer s internal model without the viewer s awareness 4 Major problem is that it relies on shifts in subconscious beliefs to explain the Think Act Feel sequence This means that the theory is very difficult to test scientifically and it is therefore very speculative 5 Trial Behaviors Used to find out if you like it Major reason for trial is that consumers are unsure of the product s attributes i e they have lower order beliefs due to their lack of direct experience with the brand 6 Ex Reading an article for a snack food item and this makes the snack sound good tasting but due to the vested interest of the sponsor the consumer may not believe the claims Instead of liking the product based on the ad the consumer might think the snack is good Trial and Error is a major example of the Think Act Feel response sequence Self Perception Theory Developed by Daryl Bem 1972 to describe a particular situation when people act without feeling This can happen when a person s internal states feelings are weakly cued 7 1 People act without feeling and then observe their own behavior to determine how they feel 2 People may observe their own behaviors and then infer what their feelings must be in order to act that way Ex A young man who has a weak idea of love may decide that he is in love because he has performed certain overt behaviors e g spent a lot of money dated exclusively etc Social Labeling Occurs when a person is described as being a certain way and then s he begins to act in a manner similar to the description i e label 1 To be effective The target person must be aware of the label The target person must accept believe the label The target person must comprehend the label Ex If you live with messy roommates you should avoid labeling them slobs since this will maximize the probability that they will be slobs around you A better strategy is to look for an opportunity to label them as neater or starting to be more tidy Shortcut Category 5 Impression Management 1 Giving an outward impression that is inconsistent with true inner feelings 2 Defined The deliberate bending of the truth in order to make a favorable impression In other words impression management is a direct form of misrepresentation The whole truth is not revealed for a good reason doing so might endanger the immediate attainment of important goals 3 Ex The employee who hates his boss but acts as if he likes him will have to vent the negative feelings somehow 4 Thus people who misrepresent their true feelings are engaged in the process of impression management In this case the Think Act Feel turns into Think Feel Negative Act Positive 5 Personal identity Biological Intrinsic Self BIS which is who you were born to be The biological genes you were born with etc 6 Expressive Intrinsic Behaviors Expressive behavior is observed by parents teachers friends and society and is punished or rewarded depending on environmental values 7 Coping Extrinsic Behaviors When Intrinsic self is punished the individual must make a difficult choice Continue to perform expressive behaviors and receive intrinsic rewards like higher self esteem but be punished by others and lose social esteem Develop coping behaviors in order to obtain extrinsic rewards but suffer intrinsic punishment and loss of self esteem 8 The Coping Self People eventually learn how to cope 9 The Hidden Self By the age of 20 50 of the individual s intrinsic self has been lost by coping behaviors They are aware of the intrinsic desires but must hide them from the view of others 10 Ratio of Intrinsic to Extrinsic Behavior At 80 Intrinsic and 20 Extrinsic the individual has a net of 60 80 20 intrinsic behavior which seems acceptable At 60 40 the individual only has a net of 20 intrinsic and that is unacceptable At 50 50 there is 0 net intrinsic behavior Anything below 60 60 will produce a net of extrinsic behavior and certainly at this point we would expect to see the negative consequences from frustration and low self esteem 11 Identity Crisis People have to violate many intrinsic personal values in order to please others so they undergo a who am I what have I become attitude 12 Self Esteem and Intrinsic Extrinsic Behavior Self Esteem Intrinsic Behavior Extrinsic Behavior Social Esteem vs Self Esteem Intrinsic Behaviors Extrinsic Behaviors 13 Radical and Rational Honesty In radical honesty we seek 100 truthfulness answering questions honestly and 100 self expression revealing our true feelings whether we are asked or not Rational Honesty 1 Instead of seeking full 100 truthfulness and expressiveness we settle for what most people think is a more reasonable 95 truthfulness and 80 self expression 2 Rational honesty means we make a serious and creative attempt to communicate our true feelings to our key accounts However we must make sure that the feelings we are expressing are as informed and as objective as possible rather than being based on emotions attitudes or stereotypes Next we find a creative way to express our feelings that will not provoke a defensive reaction from our key accounts Sometimes we will have to wait for a good time to reveal the truth e g when they are in a good mood Consequences of Impression Management 1 High levels of frustration and negative body chemistry 2 The use of self destructive and or anti social coping techniques 3 Weakened immune system Loss of credibility over time 4

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OSU BUSML 4201 - Chapter 18: Non-Decision Making: Feeling Shortcuts

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