Nietzsche Eternal Recurrence o If the universe is finite in size yet infinite in durantion then all matter in the universe can configure itself in a finite number of ways o Even if the organization of matter is completely random given enough time any given pattern would be predicted to replicate itself given infinite time this pattern would recur infinitely Frequency Ratio on a coin you have a 50 50 chance of getting heads or tails o Given the prediction of any kind of phenomenon there is a ratio that can give an answer to that prediction o Parking lot example Red White Blue If there is a causal reason for this configuration than the frequency ratio that it would happen again will be high But if there was no causal reason then this configuration may occur once a month or An even more complicated example is the arrangement of the subatomic particles that perhaps never again it is possible comprise into what we know as Earth An equation to calculate this S spaces O Occupied spaces Brian Greene Physicist S O S raised to the power of O frequency ratio to predict any pattern recurring Author of The Fabric of the Cosmos Space Time and the Texture of Reality The Elegant Universe Superstrings Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory and The Hidden Reality Parallel Universes and the Deep Laws of the Cosmos o 1010122 10 to the tenth to the one hundred twenty second power is the number he Has taken a look at eternal recurrence Applying the recurrence to the universe came up with Is there an infinite universe o If there is that also means we are infinite o It is quite possible this same event attending this class and talking about this has occurred before Is the Universe endless 1 Oscillating Universe is there enough matter to reverse the expansion of the universe producing an endless succession of big crunches and big rebounds 2 Quantum Jitters Planck s Constant 6 6x10 34 is a minimum mass energy duration threshold for existing in the universe However quantum physics predicts matter can spring into existence ex nihilo or out of nothing so long as the constant is not violated But everything else quantum jitters have a statistical range of intensities Very very rarely an intensity sufficient to create a new big bang can occur Given infinite time it is predicted to recur infinitely 3 The inflationary multiverse In this theory the cosmos is not a universe but a multiverse The backdrop of the universe is continually inflating A statistical variation that slows this process in a given region produces a big bang with an individual universe that move slowly that the multiverse background In an inflationary multiverse infinite universes exist both spatially and temporally The only life that is really yours is one that has already happened and reoccured o Each choice you make separates you from a different path that you would have followed if you made the opposite choices So in a different universe those other choices will play out There is a separate universe for every possible choice you can make
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