Key terms civic housekeeping cid 127 Meat Inspection Act of 1906 Settlement Houses Prohibition I Who are the progressivists A Urban educated people B Doctors lawyers C A lot of women were involved D They see cities as dangerous dirty diseased try to instill public health reform E Want to create parks and reform political machines and gov t finances F They also want to fix people social reform negative side 1 They don t like Coney Island movie theaters saloons etc 2 Introduce prohibition 3 Want to regulate peoples behavior II Political Reform Problems A Machine Politics B Government corruption at state level 1 laws are created to protect big businesses 2 laws cause rich to get richer and poor to stay poor C Influence of big business D Want to make the government more democratic 1 give the people more power not big business 2 Created direct election of senators 3 Created secret ballots to eliminate political machines a before they could see exactly who you were voting for 4 Created referendums so the voters could decide instead of the government 5 Recall to institute a new election to get a bad official out of office 6 Give women the right to vote so politics are less corrupt women are more moral a idea of better sanitation check food and milk and water to make sure it s good for their children b the broom and the ballot women can t be good wives mothers unless they have the right to vote c argument undermines gender equality III Economic Reform Problems A Unsafe and unsanitary industry B Monopolization of industry 1 Businesses have more power than individual people 2 Trust busting anti trust laws a break up large company into smaller companies b which companies do you go after c Roosevelt thinks he can tell the difference between good and bad trusts very inconsistent arbitrary system 3 Progressives think it s a good idea to investigate businesses a many scandals coming out from big businesses b The Jungle the Meat Inspection Act 1906 inspectors have to check meat factories c Milk industry scandal dairy industries cutting costs by adding water chalk d Drug industry scandal FDA is created Patent Medicine Trust companies need to write down what s actually in their drugs C Consumer and worker safety IV Social Reforms Problems A Public health B Compulsory education 1 after 1916 you must send your children to school C Maximum hours minimum wage laws 1 try to pass workers compensation laws D Environmental protections 1 save national parks 2 clean up America s forests E Municipal reforms cid 127 cid 127 cid 127 1 electric lighting for cities F Violence in households G Jane Addams 1 built houses to provide services for working class neighborhoods a kindergartens playgrounds activities sports English language classes H Prohibition Activists 1 Progressivists see alcohol as the root of all problems 2 Thinks it will prevent domestic violence protect women and children prevent industrial accidents 3 Prohibition amendment passes 4 Problems a Amendment doesn t say it s illegal to consume alcohol just make sell transport it doesn t define intoxicating liquors b huge rise in illegal manufacture sale of alcohol 5 Progressives don t understand cultural behavior that they re trying to fix 6 Very bad reaction among American people 7 End of 1920s law is almost unenforceable 8 Great depression alcohol is brought back to create jobs tax on it and everyone is drinking it anyway
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