Key terms Tenements Angel Island Amusement Parks I American cities A Growing exponentially B People leaving rural areas and moving to urban areas C Cities are expanding in land used to be walking cities D Cities are growing upwards skyscrapers new technology structural steel elevators ventilation systems E Immigrants lived in tenements 1 new kind of living space hadn t been necessary before early 1900s mass housing 5 NYC passed a law that every room had to have 1 window ventilation to cut down on disease 2 huge numbers of people living in small spaces 3 notorious for being dirty dangerous dark overcrowded 4 3 4 of manhattans population lived in tenements II Why do immigrant families have so many children A Economic purposes children can work B No legal form of birth control C Lots of sex because couples have shitty lives D Catholic culture III Immigrants A Stops around 1914 WWI B Called New immigrants Italians Poles Jews Russians Chinese Japanese Mexico Middle East C Coming in huge numbers 1 NYC had more Irish than Dublin did more Poles than Warsaw D Many immigrant men come to America to work and then go back to their native country b Angel island immigrants coming in on the west coast were processed examined and either given or denied entry becomes more of a detention center than immigration center 1 Mostly Italians E Immigrants settle in the North and California not the South 1 Settled around cities and railroads 2 Creating new kinds of cultures F Immigration Restriction begins 1 First group targeted are Chinese immigrants a taking jobs that should belong to American workers subjected to invasive questions strange medical procedures 2 Chinese Exclusion Law a to reduce number of Chinese coming into US b all Chinese with few exceptions are barred from entering the country c if you are here already you can t become an American citizen ever d beginning of a larger trend of excluding immigrants from the country 3 1924 Immigration Act a total number of immigrants has to be set and those spots are determined by a quota system based on 1890 census b many immigrants hadn t been here in 1890 people who still want to immigrate given small quota numbers IV End of Victorian Era A Different values now self fulfillment sexual satisfaction leisure virility strength B Completely different culture competitive sports new music new gender ideals C Bicycle craze for women scares parents D Movie theaters Vaudeville shows dance halls amusement parks parents can t chaperone children everywhere anymore E Coney Island 1 Allows the working class freedom of movement and congregation liberty of play expression of desires 2 All immigrants come together here not segregated 3 But does Coney Island really liberate people 4 People thought it distracted people from the important things in life 5 Only people in cities have access to this freedom 1 Advertising campaigns F Catalog shopping became popular rural places could order leisure items attempt to integrate rural people cid 127 cid 127 cid 127
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