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PSY 388 03 Term Paper Example Questions What does it mean to be a woman man Avoid close ended questions Don t make it too formal Make it like a conversation REPRODUCTIVE HORMONES SEXUAL MATURATION REGULATION COMMUNICATION Nervous and endocrine systems allow for communication within the body Separate systems but interact with each other Nervous system System of trillion neurons Transmits electrical signals and release neurotransmitters chemical messengers to target tissue Fast short lasting response Endocrine System organ Slower takes time for hormone to travel from cardiovascular system to the target Communicates with the nervous system and other systems Communication needed to regulate communicate whole body on a large scale Metabolism Growth Maturation Reproduction Do not confuse the endocrine glands with the exocrine glands secrete their product via ducts Ex saliva glands send saliva to the mouth via salivary ducts Endocrine glands Ductless Function based on hormones chemical WHAT ARE HORMONES Hormones chemical signals that have powerful effect on other glands and tissues They stimulate their metabolism in a particular way Why are hormones needed o Send chemical messages from one body to another to different organs o To help maintain homeostasis and regulation balance Ex if glucose level is not maintained at a healthy level then you can develop diabetes REGULATION COMMUNICATION THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Function Secrete hormones chemicals into the bloodstream chemical travels to target PSY 388 03 tissues Target cells have receptor proteins Generate a response ENOCRINE GLANDS FUNCTION Pineal gland reproductive development daily physiological cycles sleep wake patterns Pituitary gland controls bone and muscle growth development of ovaries testes Thyroid gland controls metabolism rate How quickly the body uses energy and makes proteins Adrenal glands regulate stress Prepares body for emergencies diverts blood from gut to limbs Fight or flight response Pancreas converts excess of glucose to be used by liver Thymus promotes production growth of white blood cells help maintain health Ovaries control ovulation secondary sexual characteristics PSY 388 03 It prepares uterus lining for receiving an embryo Testes controls sperm production secondary sex characteristics HOW DO STEROID HORMONES WORK 1 Steroid hormones Lipid based hormone Hydrophobic Can cross plasma membrane and enter a cell Bind to receptor proteins in cytoplasm and nucleus aka hormone receptor complex Binds to DNA to activate a gene WHERE ARE THE RECEPTORS LOCATED On the cell surface cell membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Lock Key System o Lock receptor o Key hormone or molecule HOW DO PEPTIDE HORMONES WORK 2 Peptide hormones Protein based Hydrophilic Cannot pass thru the plasma membranes Binds to a receptor in the plasma membrane Trigger secondary messenger pathways Activate internal cellular response PSY 388 03 REPRODUCTIVE HORMONES Hypothalamus a region in the brain has multiple effects controls glandular secretion of the pituitary gland Pituitary gland functions like a thermostat that regulates all glands that secrete hormones Regulates our body temp Thyroid activity growth urine reproduction Testosterone production in males and ovulation and estrogen production in females Has 2 portions the posterior pituitary and the anterior pituitary Posterior of pituitary gland hormone ADH and oxytocin Nerve cells in the hypothalamus neurosecretory cells produce antidiuretic ADH kidneys to secrete less urine Oxytocin uterine contraction during child birth milk letdown when a baby is nursing PSY 388 03 o More contraction or suckle on breasts greater release of oxytocin Anterior of pituitary gland Blood vessels exist between the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary Hypothalamus produces hypothalamic release hormones to stimulate the anterior pituitary o Anterior pituitary releases hormones but 2 have direct effect on the body Growth Hormone GH Prolactin PRL 1 Growth hormone GH Promotes cell division Protein synthesis Bone growth Physical appearance esp height 2 Prolactin PRL causes the mammary glands in the breast to develop and to produce milk in women Both women and men produce prolactin at low levels Normal range Males 2 18 ng mL nanograms per milliliter Non pregnant females 2 29 ng mL Pregnant women 10 209 ng mL In general o Low levels of prolactin remain in males PSY 388 03 o Levels of prolactin increases in females after childbirth Galactorrhea production of milk like substance not related to childbirth nursing More common in females but occurs in males Due to multiple factors Hormonal imbalance increased levels of prolactin PRL Pituitary tumors Illicit drugs e g marijuana Thyroid chronic kidney failure Stress THE GONADS Gonadotropin releasing hormone GnRH stimulates the anterior pituitary to secrete 1 Follicle stimulating hormone FSH Regulates the development growth pubertal maturation and reproductive process 2 Luteinizing hormone LH In females an acute rise triggers ovulation In males stimulates production of testosterone FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE AKA menstrual cycle a monthly series of events o Variations in start age and in women Bleeding occurs due to loss of endometrial tissue Can last about 28 days or 18 days short and as long as 40 days THE OVARIAN CYCLE Follicular phase 1st approx 14 days but may vary Egg develops in a follicle Stimulated by FSH Estrogen is produced at this time Ovulation LH surges egg released from follicle Egg in abdominal cavity Picked up by fimbria of fallopian tube Luteal phase PSY 388 03 Postovulatory phase 14 days more constant Corpus luteum develops from exploded follicle Produces progesterone estrogen o Progesterone stimulates uterus to be ready for baby If no pregnancy corpus luteum degenerates into corpus albicans Menarche the first menstrual cycle or period Important developmental event in women s lives Most if not all women remember their first menstruation and can even describe it FROM WHOME DO GIRLS GET INFORMATION AT MENARCHE Many do not discus menstruation at all Much of the information is negative Share little of their own experience Not enough information is given Give instructions on how to manage it e g how to use a menstrual pad or Express sorrow that their daughter are growing up and worry that she could get in detail Mothers tampon pregnant WHAT DO GIRLS THINK OF THEIR MENSTURAL CYCLE Embarrassing Disgusting Should not be active in sports Should not be discussed with boys or fathers

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