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Psychology 201 Teacher HYMEL KRISTEN ANNE Cognitive Revolution 1960s 170s cognition thinking and conditioning better explain behavior our thoughts influence our behaviors often in treatment of anxiety depression Psychoanalytic Psychology Sigmund Freud Influenced by unconscious wishes thoughts and desires especially sex and aggression childhood makes use who weave Repression occurs when threatening thoughts are unconsciously helps out of awareness Freudian slips you meant what you said Psychoanalysis talking cure 1 st psychotherapy treatment last longer than drugs Explored unconscious conflicts and emotional problems Humanism Carl Roger and Abraham Maslow Human experience potentials ideals and problems Each person has innate goodness and is able to use free will Concept self image self evaluation Frame of reference self actualization truly works Field of Psychology Experimental Learning new things test Biological Congnitive think remember Social cyber Developmental body to adult hood old age Applied taking in every day life clinical counseling educational school psychometric IQ depression test industrial engineering ergonomics Empirical Evidence Evidence based on direct observation and measurement Systematic carefully planned Inter subjective conformable by more than one observer Scientific Method Goal of psychology Description What Understanding Explanation Why Prediction Control Application the use of it Critical Thinking Few truths transcend the need for logical analysis and empirical testing Critical thinkers often wonder what it would take to show that a is false Authority or claimed expertise does not automatically make an idea true or false Judging the quality of evidence is crucial truth Pseudo psychologies that resembles psychology and NOT based on system Any unfounded scientific testing Types of superstitions Ex Phrenology Palmistry Graphology Astrology The Scientific Method Critical thinking based on careful collection of evidence precise definition controlled observation and repeatable results Making observation defining a problem proposing a hypothesis operational definition classify what we want to see Gathering evidence testing the hypothesis Analysis Theory building Conclusions Publishing results Conducting Research Observational Research case History study Limitation Only one personality naturalistic observation in a natural setting Jane Goodall Limitation You can effect behavior Observer Observer bias Conducting Research Observation Research Correctional Studies non experimental study designed to measure the degree of relationship if any between two or more variable strength 1to 0 to 1 Directions Positive High scores on both measures Negative High scores on one associated with low score on the graph not included Illusory correlation is not really truth the full moon crime rate increase birth Conducting Research Experimental research Cause and effect relationship need at least 2 groups 1 Experimental group get the drug 1 Control group does not variable condition that may effect the outcome independent manipulate dependent variable measure observed effects Confounding variable your results Evaluating Results statistical significance occur rarely by chance alone less than 5 experiments out of 100 p 0 05 Limitations of Experiments Participant bias place boo effect over come this single blind Researchers bias answers s Double blind no one knows what their getting Must Include Replicability Parsimonious simplest explanation non Anecdotal see things happen over and over But never know the true clause Research Ethics Institutional Review Board IRB Human research informed consent Confidentiality Debriefing will not tell you what their testing Right to withdrawal Institutional Animal care and be committee IACUC Animal research Veterinarian Research affiliated and Random member Reduce Refine Replace

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