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AMH2020 July 10th Chapter 32 Herbert Hoover Administration 1929 1933 Domestic Policy Promised farmers agricultural religion and limited tariffs in campaign Agricultural Marketing Act o Passed June 1929 o To help farmers help themselves Hawley Smoot Tariff o 1930 o Highest protective tariff in peacetime history of U S o Other nations saw it as economic warfare and retaliated Secured 2 25 billion for public works project from Congress Reconstruction Finance Corporation RFC o Established 1932 o Assisted insurance companies banks agricultural organizations railroads state and local governments Passed Norris LA Guardia Anti Injunction Act o 1932 o Forbade injunctions restraining strikes boycotts peaceful pickets Bonus Army o WWI veterans sought early payment of bonus voted by Congress in 1924 to be paid in 1945 o Bonus Expeditionary Force met on capital in 1932 20 000 People Camped unsanitary conditions Foreign Policy Stimson Doctrine achieved by force o General public isolationist Good Neighbor Policy o U S announcement they would not recognize territorial gains o Good Will tour of Latin America 1928 o 1932 Good will Treaty with Haiti for complete withdrawal of Americans by 1934 o Removed marines from Nicaragua Hoover defeated in 1932

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UCF AMH 2020 - Domestic Policy

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