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AMH2020 B001 July 1st Chapter 29 Woodrow Wilson Domestic Policy 1913 1917 1913 Underwood Tariff Act from the tariff 16 th Amendment o Income tax Federal Reserve Act o Provided for a substantial reduction of rates and enacted an unprecedented Graduated federal income tax o By 1917 revenue from the income tax surpassed receipts o Established 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks and Federal Reserve Board appointed by the president to regulate banking and create stability on a national scale in the volatile banking sector 1914 1915 Clayton Anti Trust Act o Law extending the anti trust protections for the Sherman Anti Trust Act and exempting labor unions and agricultural organizations from antimonopoly constraints Federal Trade Commission Established o A standing presidentially appointed commission to investigate illegal business practices in interstate commerce such as unlawful competition false advertising and mislabeling of goods La Follette Seaman s Act o Required decent treatment and working wages on American merchant ships o Crippled America s merchant marine as shipping rates spiraled 1916 Workingmen s Compensation Act o Granted assistance to federal civil service employees during periods of disability Federal Farm Loan Act o Made credit available to farmers at low rates of interest Warehouse Act Adamson Act o Authorized loans on the security of staple crops o Established 8 hour day for all employees on train engaged in interstate commerce o Established overtime pay

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UCF AMH 2020 - Woodrow Wilson Domestic Policy

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