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HDFS 120 Dr Corneal 3 18 14 Jeffrey Arnett Emerging Adulthood o A distinct period of development that differs from adolescence and young adulthood o Takes place between 18 25 years of age o Characterized by independent role exploration and frequent change o the age of instability 1970 typical 21 year old o Married or about to be married o Caring for a child or planning a pregnancy o Done with education o Settled into a job or role of full time mother Today typical 21 year old o Marriage and parenthood not for another 5 years o Education may last more years o Will experience job changes Why such dramatic differences o Invention of birth control o Sexual revolution of 60s and 70s Did not have to be married to have sex Living with partner without being married o Increase in years devoted to higher education o Change in women s roles o Change in how young people view becoming an adult We aren t in a hurry to settle down anymore Love o Adolescents Dating primarily recreational experimental o Emerging adults Thought of living together Dating becomes a serious search for a partner o Young adults 75 married with children late 20s Work Education o Adolescents Service jobs Purpose of work to support leisure activities 95 enrolled in school o Emerging adults Laying groundwork for adult occupation 60 go on to higher education 32 complete 4 or more years of college Trying out unusual work educational possibilities o Young adults Only 10 involved in higher education Settled into career The Age of instability changing the plan emerging adulthood o Changing major in college o Dropping out of college o Dissatisfaction with work o Romantic relationships o Moving Emerging adults have the highest rate of residential changes Going to college Wanting to move away from parents Dropping out of college Changing roommates Wanting to cohabitate Not wanting to cohabitate anymore Graduating from college New job or graduate school Nearly of emerging adults will move back in with parents and eventually move out again World views o Enter emerging adulthood with worldviews learned in childhood and adolescence o College students are exposed to greater diversity and as a result change worldviews o Emerging adults who do not attend college are just as likely as college students to examine existing worldviews and form their own set of beliefs and values o I am very sure that someday I will get to where I want to be in life 96 of 18 24 year olds agree with this statement o Most emerging adults are pessimistic about the future of society What makes you an adult Class ideas o Financial independence o Strong sense of self o Taking care of others o Being responsible Top three criteria for achieving adulthood o 1 Accepting responsibility for yourself o 2 Making independent decisions o 3 Being financially independent

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PSU HDFS 129 - Emerging Adulthood

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