EXAM II Study Guide I Spanish American War Imperialism A American isolationism prior to last quarter of 19th century America was an isolationist country idea of expanding United States beyond its boundaries new idea focused on developing own country prior not expanding into others B Reasons for Expansion of Empire worldwide competition to expand empires all main empires powers aimed to expand by claiming territories colonies Berlin Conference conference of major powers Western Europe Russia Japan to divide Africa up into territories U S did not attend Competition for Empire o Europe Japan Reason Economy o USA Reasons Nationalism patriotism spread empire farther make larger Jingoism extreme patriotism in the form of aggressive foreign policy 1 In practice it is a country s advocation of the use of threats or actual force against other countries in order to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests Colloquially it refers to excessive bias in judging one s own country as superior to others an extreme type of nationalism International competition Industrial economy need for new markets would help solve economic problems within country Nationalism same as above Manifest Destiny belief that America was destined to spread its power across the continent conquer territories to the west International Competition Jingoism Albert Beveridge The Trade of the world must and shall be ours C Cause of War War began after the American demanded for Spain rejected to peacefully resolve the Cuban fight for independence Strong expansionist sentiment in the U S may have motivated government to target Spain s remaining territories US wanted to fight Span to prove U S dominance in Latin America U S wanted to establish market in Cuba which couldn t do previously since Cubans revolt under Spanish rule coverage or revolt gained attention in Spain had trade priority America o sympathy for Cubans o Cubans burning sugar fields in revolt threatened American investments in sugar trade De Lome Letter Feb 9 1898 o Letter written by Spain s minister insulting President McKinley o Teddy Roosevelt sent letter to be published in popular newspaper New York Journal to garner American support for war upset many Americans they cried out for revenge o publishing s of the New York Journal were considered Yellow Journalism known today as sensationalism U S S Maine Feb 16 1898 o Sent U S S Maine to Havana harbor to protect American citizens and property from rebel riots o ship was blown up in harbor o WAR D Results Treaty of Paris ends war with Spain U S gains control of Cuba Puerto Rico Guam and the Philippines Annexed Hawaii war proved U S to be a world power E 1 Open Door Policy referred specifically to China and allowed all nations to trade freely with Chinese markets Britain France Italy Germany Japan Russia U S asked that other empires refrain from colonizing China in exchange every nation could trade freely with them 2 Roosevelt Corollary United State s right to intervene in the internal affairs of Latin American nations to ensure order and to suppress European influence ensured United States firmly controlled markets in Latin America forbade independence movements of Latin American people 3 Panama Canal TR wanted to build canal in Columbia that would create shorter trade route open up trade with South America Columbia resisted TR sent in troops to help Panamanian rebels gain independence from Columbia then built the canal very expensive 10 years to build II World War I A American Neutrality U S declared neutrality upon outbreak of the war in Europe felt that their detachment from the war was proof of their own good sense in contrast to the other counties violent passions Though neutral took side of Great Britain o many traced lineage and family ties back to Great Britain o elite had ties to British aristocracy o U S had trade business ties with British and French As U S came close to entering war President Wilson practiced armed neutrality bolstering U S defenses and making country ready for war while maintaining to the rest of the world that they didn t want to be involved B Reasons for Entry into the War Germans practicing unrestricted submarine warfare torpedoed a British liner the Lusitania en route from New York to England killed 1200 people 123 Americans Though neutral and claimed they would send aid to any nation in need the U S sent supplies mostly to Allies Germany ordered U boats to sink American ships supplying Allies Zimmerman telegram sent by Germans to Mexico encouraging Mexico to go to war with United States thereby limiting American s ability to fight in Europe Wilson asked congress to declare war on Germany in 1917 claiming the need to fight for world peace and democracy make the world safe for democracy declared war April 1917 C Effects of New Technologies trains and motorized vehicles made transportation of soldiers and war supplies much quicker and more efficient newly invented airplanes flew observation missions over the countryside newly invented artillery pieces o Germany s Big Bertha could lob a shell the weight of a small car about 20 miles specialized fuses allowed some shells to fragment others to penetrate earth works and some to rip through barbed wire specialized combat engineers called Sappers sometimes dug long tunnels under opposing trench lines packed them with explosives and blew up the earth above a clear a path for attack generals on both sides relied on 19th century tactics to fight the 20th century s first major war D America s new international role E Versailles Treaty one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I that ended war between Germany and the Allied Powers became part of the League of Nations international organizations to maintain world peace failed to ratify torn III Post War U S the Roaring 20s A 1919 o some believed the Great War proved the United States must join formally with other nations in managing world trade and enforcing peace o others believed it would needlessly entangly U S in European conflics and restrict America s freedom to act 1 Return to Normalcy After World War I the United States hoped to return to a state of normalcy away from interactions with the rest of the world Though they hoped to return to an isolationist country their involvement in the war and connections with foreign counties would make this difficult Things that contributed to the lack or normalcy included Influenza Pandemic o Spanish Flue o first outbreak in Ft
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