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Life in the Gilded Age City Urbanization Immigration By 1900 40 of people were living in urban areas Immigration was the reason for the growth in the population o High population from Italy Russia Europe in general o People were trying to escape poverty political distress etc Peasant life in eastern Europe was much worse than the conditions in America Industry steam ships are bringing people across to America o Industry for cheap labor o Steam ships because they re profiting from moving the people Chain migration pioneers from the home country move to America and slowly more family members move after Micro Migration an entire village gets together move together and end up in the same place often even in the same building o Both of these produce these Ethnic Ghettos Ex Little Italy Where desperate people live because it was the only thing they could afford Cities were not ready for this population growth o Limited housing for the immigrants and no rules for buildings o Tenements are built soon a rule comes out that every apartment needs to have access to fresh air o Easy way to stack up people population grows even more People not only worked in sweatshops but also in their home Sewage systems are developed o People are dying from unsanitary conditions which gets people s attention Water is finally being provided to cities o To supply the people and fight fires o Firefighters are now being paid more organized and effective How did people survive in these slums o Different ethnic groups bonded together and formed tight knit groups o They asserted themselves in order to be accepted This works because America is a democracy Ethnic group recognition o Naming holidays political patronage and representation There is no welfare retirement food provisions unemployment compensation etc o Patronage helps out the people This helps the political leaders get re elected o Even with the corruption there were many things developed that helped the cities Brooklyn Bridge libraries etc Electrification o Begins in the 1870s o Light bulbs are developed Skyscrapers o Cant build up so they built up o Need durable steel electrified elevators plate glass etc Materials need to be highly developed o New York was especially famous for these tall buildings Built elevated and underground railcars Suburbs begin developing o Mass transportation so people don t have to live near their work o Middle class now can live outside the city Department stores are built o Districts for different things develop Shopping district office district After the gilded age it is the arrival of the modern city

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UMD HIST 201 - Life in the Gilded Age City

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