GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday October 09 2013 OUTLINE The Second Industrial Revolution 1870 1914 New Developments in industry 1 Steel 1850s the development of the Bessemer process for steel production 2 The chemical industry Bayer Company in Germany 3 New inventions 4 New form of energy electricity The European Automobile Industry Karl Benz his machines were the 1st petrol driven vehicles in the world to go into production 1887 model car 1892 model car Late 1880s 1914 Paris France was the center of the European automobile industry Craft production of automobiles each car was custom made by hand by highly skilled workers Automobile Ownership Complaints lodged against early motorists DeDion advertisement 1899 Travel restrictions example of the 1865 Locomotive Act in Britain known as the Red Flag Act originally applied to steam tractors automobiles had to adhere to it repealed in 1896 American Henry Ford pioneered the mass production of automobiles NOTES Second Industrial Revolution 1 Age of Steel replaces iron as the main building component Used in tools machines ships z B Titanic buildings Bessemer Process developed for producing steel allowing for the mass production of cheap steel later in the 19th century 2 Germany Bayer Company Producer of fertilizers synthetic dyes alkali soap pharmaceutical products z B aspirin 3 New Inventions Wireless radio telephone rapid communication 4 Electricity Typewriter Germany leads the world in electrical equipment and products Factories lights replacing natural gas public spaces department store always in the vanguard of development Limited in its private use wealthy are able to afford the luxury GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday October 09 2013 Image Exposition Universelle Ad for an exhibition in Paris for French engineering skills enlightening the public about technological marvels unveiling of the Eiffel Tower tallest building in the world 1889 100th anniversary of the French Revolution Eiffel Tower lit up at night showing off the technological possibilities of electricity Image Berlin 1901 Contrast of old and new horse drawn carriages in the same place as street cars and automobiles varying degrees of mass public transportation 1900 Subway system opened in Paris France powered by electricity European Automobile Industry Karl Benz Germany Inventor credited for the first automobile car that went into production Automobiles referred to as horse less carriages resembled the tricycle and shared details similar to carriages 1890s Sold roughly 1100 cars France shifts to be the leading producer of automobiles in the late 1880s to early 1910s Car companies involved in the craft production of automobiles Each car custom made and by hand by skilled workers Image COACH MAKING IN 1843 Workshop craftsmen building and designing an automobile by hand Cars made in small batches Wood or steel frames set on saw horses in a large hall workshop Parts assembled to the car frame engines transmission wheels etc Parts rarely interchangeable adjusted and re forged nearby to work with each individual car personal to the frame 1913 Renault Most productive automobile company in France top of the list 3 900 workers employed Crafted 4 704 cars nearly 1 for every worker Renault 1900 675 Mercedes Benz 35 1901 2 000 GESCHICHTE 150 Ownership Wednesday October 09 2013 Britain 1911 45 million residents 105 734 owned cars Image Advertisement by critics of automobile owners Automobile owners were distracted and became real hazards to others on the road Carriage drivers and their horses other motorists animals themselves Motorists were limited by travel restrictions 1865 Locomotive Act Red Flag Act Originally applied to steam tractors but applied to automobiles Set a speed limit of 4 miles per hour on country roads 2 miles per hour in towns and cities A man had to walk in front of the vehicle carrying a red flag 1896 repealed no red flag could drive 14 miles per hour 1903 speed limit increased to 20 miles per hour 1920s Model T 300 American Automobile registration 23 million people
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