GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday August 28 2013 OUTLINE The Roman Empire continued Banqueting Sample menu handout entertainment The diet of lower class Romans Bread and Circuses for the masses Augustus distributed free grain to about 200 000 people in Rome Provision of entertainment 80 C E the Colosseum in Rome was opened by Emperor Titus Seneca s commentary on the gladiatorial games 64 C E First persecution of Christians by Emperor Nero The Martyrdom of Vibia Perpetua Martyrdom the trial and death of Vibia Perpetua in Carthage North Africa in 203 handout 313 Persecution ended when Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan 392 Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion NOTES Banqueting Lots of meat parrot beef pork deer ostrich dormice sea urchins flamingos Well to do upper class has access to higher end foods z B meat Mediterranean Notable gluttons live for banqueting Centerpiece of upper class Roman life entertainment could last through the night Lower class Roman diet Quest for food key aspect of their lives Meat not very common Bread olives and grapes main staple of diet Bread and Circuses Augustus emperor 1 5 of pop got free grain Pax Romana Roman Peace Emperor paid out of pocket for free distributions Popularity Fed people happy people Prevent revolting or rebelling Free entertainment for masses Colosseum Contentment of the people distraction Titus emperor sponsored 100 consecutive days for commemoration of the opening 5 000 beasts were killed in 1 day what the eff Blood sport cultural gossip and news gladiators GESCHICHTE 150 Wednesday August 28 2013 Seneca philosopher There is nothing more harmful to one s character than attendance at some spectacle because vices more easily creep into your soul while you are being entertained When I return from some spectacle I am greedier more aggressive and more cruel and inhuman Watching the cruelty of the gladiatorial games the watcher becomes cruel themselves transgress into animalistic behavior Pliny commenter spectators numb to violence desensitized to death Today video game violence and other violent media Christian Persecution 64 C E first persecution under emperor Nero Later sporadic periodically violent Vibia Perpetua Christian martyr woman One of minority Christians in Carthage Wealthy family 22 years old married and mother of an infant son 203 arrested and brought before provincial governor Hilarianus Condemned to death by wild animals Has a vision before the upcoming execution
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