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human development and family studies chapter one 8 30 12 Human development scientific study of how and why people change also how people stay the same stability INTRAINDIVIDUAL CHANGE how individuals change within person change INTERINDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES between how we are different from one another o Ex Gender race fashion religion stature tall short etc Interindividual differences in intraindividual change differences in how people grow and change Why Study Human Development 1 Working with kids nursing teacher doctor 2 Insight into family members children parents 3 Nostalgia 4 Understand yourself and others 5 Who you are how you got here and what you will be like in the future Two Forms of Change 1 Quantitative Change How much more or less Example Height language acquisition 18 knows 85 000 Continuity of development 2 Qualitative Change Change in kind or type Example play this is done for enjoyment 18 month old knows 20 words 12 year old knows 50 000 Discontinuity of Development shifts in development Stage Theories Areas of Development Physical changes in body brain and motor Intellectual how we think and process information Personality Social change how we relate and react to others These areas are NOT independent much overlap across the three areas Activities of Developmentalists 1 Describe the change how people at different ages feel act and physically change a Research to show 2 Explain why people develop the way they do a Research to know 3 Predict later development a Inform public policy b Prevention intervention programs c Research to make an actual difference in people s lives 4 Modify to enhance quality of life a Inform public policy b Prevention intervention programs 9 4 12 Influences on Development Nature vs Nurture Debate Internal External o Internal inborn genetic endowment o External experiences with the outside environment Normative non normative influences o Normative age graded occurs in a similar way to mot people in a particular age group Getting license retirement going to kindergarten o Normative history graded Occurs in a similar way to most people in a particular cohort people who are born during a similar year or generation Baby boom being born in 1994 women in the workforce o Non normative life events Unusual events that have an impact on peoples lives Life Span Perspective according to Paul Baltes 1 Development is lifelong 2 Development is multidimensional 3 Development is multidirectional 4 Development is plastic there is flexibility in which people grow and 5 Development is embedded in history 6 Development is studied by multiple disciplines 7 Development is contextual all about people being embedded in develop other settings Development in Historical Perspective o How do children differ from adults o Answer changes depending on historic points Children in Ancient Greece o Plato advice to parents o Aristotle Medieval Children o Aries 1964 In medieval society the child did not exist o Homunculus Theory Children are preformed adults quantitative view of development o Proof Artwork during medieval period Children of the Renaissance John Locke What is the origin of ideas All Knowledge comes from experience Child and adults differ in experience Child s mind is like a blank slate upon which nothing has yet been written society Children of the Renaissance Jean Jacques Rousseau Easier to write about children than to raise them Children are born good until they are corrupted by the adults and Emile 1762 Novel describing the education of an imaginary child Children are innately good and corrupted by society Charles Darwin Humans are part of nature Human behavior is open to empirical study Empirical Knowledge is based on observation and experimentation Baby Biographies Inheritance of acquired traits first person to talk about this Science of Theories of Development Science Human activity of finding order in nature by organizing scattered meaningless facts under universal concepts Jacob Bronowski Theories are the explanations of how facts fit together Four categories of Developmental Theories 1 Psychoanalytic Emotions Conflict 2 Cognitive Thoughts and information processing 3 Learning Behavioral Observable Behavior 4 Contextual Settings of Development Sigmund Freud Freud s Psychoanalytic Theory Development is primarily unconscious Structure of Personality o ID internal drives instincts o EGO addresses demands of reality o SUPEREGO moral branch Defense Mechanisms o EGO distorts reality to protect individual from anxiety o Repression push unacceptable ID impulses back into mind o Problems in life are due to experiences early in life Freud s Psychosexual Theory of Development o Behavior is driven by psychic energy Libido Life and procreation Thanatos Death aggression Stage One Oral birth to 1 year Stage Two Anal 1 3 years Stage Three Phallic 3 5 years o Oedipus Electra Stage Four Latency 6 12 years Stage Five Genital 12 18 years o Puberty reawakens sexuality Contributions o Unconscious wishes and feelings o Influence of early childhood experiences Erik Erikson Theory of Psychosocial Development Trained by Sigmund and Anna Freud Development is determined by how the organism adapts to the social environment Lifelong Theory people grow and develop throughout life Erikson s Stages of Psychosocial Development 1 Basic Trust vs Mistrust birth 18 months 2 Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt 18 months 3 years When children are asserting their autonomy by saying no all the time 3 Initiative vs Guilt 3 5 years 4 Industry vs Inferiority 6 years puberty 5 Identity vs Identity Confusion puberty young adulthood making decisions about who you are going to be career decisions values etc 6 Intimacy vs Isolation Young adulthood sharing who you are with someone else losing yourself and then finding yourself through another person 7 Generativity vs Stagnation middle adulthood providing for the next generation looking out for the next generation of people doing things now that will last when you re gone a Ways to be generative having children becoming a teacher being a coach anytime you work with children Another way is being productive being an artist 8 Integrity vs Despair old age looking back and wishing you had done something that you hadn t done leads to despair Erikson is a stage theorist lifelong theorist and he places a lot of emphasis on the social environment Jean Piaget Cognitive Theory changes in feelings and behaviors in terms of changes in thought patterns How do we come to

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PSU HDFS 129 - Human Development

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