November 5th Abnormal and Therapy Therapy o All about communication Interpersonal trust seem to be losing over time For example spam mails people constantly trying to sell you thingd Resiliency is important with feedback I O psychology Clinical psychology in the workplace o Medical or Disease Model the psychiatrist Assumption All behavior has underlying meaning o No behavior is assumed to be random Explain with hypothetical constructs o Freud s idea of behavior id ego superego Pleasure id Consciousness lying superego Identity ego When dreaming the dreams reflect wants of id Symptom reflects underlying cause Symptom substitution o Thought if I stop smoking I will gain wait o Thought that behavior is due to disease so we must replace the stimuli with others o Causes blame elsewhere Genes nature with same cause Diagnostic labeling them o Same symptom with different causes or different symptoms o How we label different problems leads to how we deal with o Rohrschick test what do you see in ink spots These then relate to underlying causes symptoms of behavior o Drawings also may reflect inner thoughts projection What did you mean How are you feeling Communication and asking the right questions is key Giving insight in order to change the behavior o Freud first few years drives behavioral issues What does therapy entail medical approach Professionalism o Lots of training o Higher education is necessary o All about credibility Must believe that therapist is competent and can assist you Blame places on disease o You have a disease it must be treated Patient admits incompetence o You cannot handle things yourself Rapport emphasis o Must be able to reveal everything o No secrets are needed o Will take years sometimes Insight development o People must be able to create own insight o Behavioral model of development Assumptions No need to go beyond overt behavior o What you see if what you need to deal with o Understanding of behavior o Change the behavior Only observable little inference o No interpretation o Only what we can see Attack the symptom behavior All behavior is learned o As we grow up learn we develop these behaviors Diagnostic labeling o Bullying why did behavior happen Behavior doesn t happen in a vacuum o Human skinner box What consequences will make them press the lever Ex lady would not press the lever for any reward finally pressed the button if a kitten was fed milk every time she did Way to diagnose behavior Ex addicts will press for drugs etc Closer person was from being out of impatient treatment closer the behavior looked of that of rats animals etc Change behavior to change feelings o However if it feels forced people will not change feelings o If they have choice in behavior more likely to change feelings o Principle of consistency behavior consistent with thoughts and Teach parents heads of companies those in charge of behavior Teach beavhiors Therapy o Behavior managers feelings o Blame is on the environment o Prot g assumes responsibility Cure depends on what you do o Rapport not necessary What is behavior What is supporting that behavior General clinical approach o What behavior is maladaptive Also what is adaptive Ex focus on positive approach rather than negative approach o Immediate consequences outweigh delayed consequences Id immediate over delay Our wants come first currently o Consequences for individual outweigh consequences for others We are self serving We care more about self than others We are not looking out for each other Should be reinforcing to help others Maslow s hierarchy transcendence most important o What are supporting contingencies Look at interactions between all Understand the team behavior not just individuals o Which of those contingencies can be re arranged Do it o Define the behavior Ex bullying one who is superior in some measure is aggressive toward the other person repeatedly o Observe Collect baseline information Look at the behavior Is the definition present in this situation o Intervene o Test See if intervention worked Measure impact of intervention Is it no charge To influence target behavior Ex bikers distribute coupons in a class and have people deliver them to bikers Are the implementations fault Did something change If it doesn t work may try another intervention o Evaluation of behavior versus medical Depends on the person symptoms medical issue A combination of both is usually chosen by psychiatrists Both are usually correct in some way November 7 Humanistic Therapy Humanistic therapy client or person centered o Society holds people back from being creative o Assumptions Phenomenology we are all different There is a mistake in treating all as the same No generalizations Idiographic individual Everybody has own view point different ways of seeing o We make assumptions that people know what we know Unobservables Intention and creativity o Focus on reason behind behavior o Intention cause of behavior o Creativity feelings thoughts novel ideas Internal subjective and experiential Have experiences that you cannot put into words These could be ones that have changed you Change in emotions throught counseling experiences Man is innately good Carl Rogers Basic drive Everybody has goodness in them Challenge is to bring it out Controls on our behavior society brings out the evil Maintaining enhancing and actualizing self o Main assignment was to write paper students said that could not put into words the change that happened at the camp o You have perspective of what you are and what you would like to be o There exists a gap between those two o Basic idea of humanistic therapy is reduce that gap Lower ideals or raise perspective of yourself Self concept Who you are via your thought Organizing principle of experience o Theraoy Unconditional positive regard Rapport Show them kindness unconditionally Reward them Nonthreatening safe trusting free empathy o Ahistoric rapport happening now o All about listening Empathy requires people to really listen o Levels of listening ignoring others pretending to listen people who plan the next part of the conversation and don t listen selective listening only listening to what fits your own ideas attentive really trying to hear it all empathetic listening powerful form of listening adjust conversation to their behalf o Dr Gellar s one way conversation with a student who spent extra time on the exam the student just threw his paper onto the others example of listening failure Resoning must take
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