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Human Development Family Studies FINAL EXAM Outline Identical Twins same genetics but NOONE is the same Each of us develops partly like all individuals partly like some individuals partly like no one We all develop the same ways 1 Like all individuals growth ex getting taller 2 Like some individuals gender school system 3 Like no one else just because no one is like you To have a happy child meet physical needs food secure attachment good relationship house hold stability good schools culture Nature biology genetics Nurture experiences and environment Lifespan perspective by Paul Boltise 1 Development is a lifelong process throughout each stage of development we are faced with challenges each stage affects you in your later years 2 Multi directionality development can go in many directions 3 Plasticity the degree to which characteristics can and can not change 4 Development must be viewed in historical context view differently during throughout the lifespan each era 5 Contextualism development can be studied in various contexts 6 Multidimensionality biological cognitive social and emotional factors interact to affect development 7 Multidisciplinary the study of human development should be collaborative across fields of study Developmental age of classification Infancy and toddlerhood birth to 2 years Early childhood 2 to 6 years Middle childhood 6 to 11 years Adolescence 11 to 18 years Emerging adulthood 18 to 26 years Young adulthood 26 to 40 years Middle adulthood 40 to 65 years Late adulthood 65 to older John Watson likes to measure BEHAVIOR conducted the twin studies Disorders that have a substantial genetic pre disposition Depression Autism Alzheimer s Traits that have substantial genetic pre disposition Schizophrenia Alcoholism Intelligence Verbal ability Vocational interest Memory Openness Agreeableness Conscientiousness Stability vs Change Extraversion and introversion Is personality stable over time 1 2 To what extent do early experiences set the life path of the individual 3 How well can we predict later development from early development Reciprocal Influence interactions that every individual influences and is influenced by people and their environment Scientific investigation 1 Descriptions 2 Explanation why do we develop as we do Why do some people turn out differently 3 Optimization how can we help people to develop in a positive direction Theory a set of assumptions that attempt to describe predict or explain something Hypothesis assumptions that can be tested to determine accuracy of a theory Correlational research goal is to describe strength and direction of the relationship between two variables Example Is there a relationship between the amount of conflict in a marriage and divorce rates Correlation ranges from 1 to 1 20 weak 40 moderate 90 strong Directions Positive as one variable increases the other increases as well Negative as one variable increases the other decreases Example of a third variable attend class study get good grades Operationalize concepts by 1 Provide clear definition of concept 2 Designating a particular measurement instrument to measure the concept Developmental designs interested in the relationship between the age of subjects and another variable As people develop there is less intimacy in friendships Cross Sectional design individuals at different ages are compared on a particular variable at one point in time Cohort Effects effects due to generation rather than developmental process Longitudinal design same individuals are studied over time Advantage demonstrates age changes BUT disadvantage time consuming and risk losing participants Cross sectional design not studying the same people over time Freud s Theory Psychoanalytic theory development is directed by the interaction between drive instincts nature and early experiences nurture interactions form your personality 3 structures that form personality ID this is what you want 1 2 Superego this is what you are told is correct 3 Ego this is your behavior and how you put your ID and Supergo together Internal conflict anxiety that results from a struggle between biological demands and society expectations Ego helps with internal conflicts 1 Abused Supergo you need to come up with a coping mechanism 2 Controlling parents learn to express yourself with coping mechanisms Goal of the psychoanalytic theory bring repressed material from unconscious to consciousness 3 structures of the mind Conscious mind what were aware of Preconscious mind stored info that can be brought to memory Unconscious mind memories that are kept from our awareness We cant remember because memory was too threatening and becomes repressed primal drives must stay in check implicit memories memories we know have happened but we cant remember forming the memory Amygdala emotional brain Prefrontal Cortex thinking brain Theory how amygdala is formed is what forms thinking brain Attachment schema scripts for how to relate to other and how others relate to us Behavioral Theory Skinner and Bandura you can measure it Personality is shaped by early experiences which involved learning and being rewarded punished when needed Learning for SKINNER involves 1 Positive reinforcement be rewarded for desired behavior 2 Negative reinforcement the removal of an aversive event when desired behavior appears Learning for BANDURA involves 1 Modeling learn how to behave by copying others around you How a parent behaves is much more important than what the parent says to the child Eriksons psychosocial theory includes parts of the lifespan perspective contextualism lifelong development plasticity multi dimensionality multi directionality There are specific period of life during which we are confronted with a problem call PSYCHOSOCIAL CRISIS once resolution of the crisis is reached individual develops a particular orientation toward life Stages 1 Trust vs Mistrust birth to 18 months Babies want to know if they can trust people trust is dependent on parenting 2 Autonomy vs Shame and doubt 18 m to 3 years exploring and recognizing 3 4 you have effect on the world Initiative vs Guilt 4 to 5 years Seeing what you can actually do in the world Industry vs Inferiority 6 to 10 years problem solving and seeing what you are good at Identity vs Identity confusion 11 to 22 years different roles that you play question who am I 6 Intimacy vs Isolation 22 to 35 years How do I love people 7 Generative vs Self Absorption 35 to 60 years What is my legacy 8 Hope

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