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What are some U S trends in public health that have expanded into global settings Which trend will be most challenging to these countries Why The federal government s role in public health has transcended into a global enterprise The World Health Organization WHO established in 1948 has played a role in global health issues The U S organizations like United Nations Infant and Child Emergency Fund UNICEF and AIDS HIV programs have combined forces with the CDC to address these issues as a global concern The challenges are enforcing global recommendations financing and standardized approaches to public health issues Politics and global economics are areas that challenge our ability to meet common goals Collaboration seems to only surface during crisis or pandemic scares Global efforts require a proactive commitment at all levels of government and the finances to help meet that commitment on a global level Reference University of Phoenix 2010 Public Health 101 Chapter 12 Public Health Institutions and Systems Retrieved from University of Phoenix HCS 457 website Response 2 United States trends in public health that have expanded into global settings include demographic epidemiological and nutritional transitions I believe epidemiology transitions will be the most challenging The reason behind my decisions lies on the basis of an individuals social and economic development Every individual on the face of the planet brings forth these two types of elements to the table For every who individual who brings forth these two elements will also bring forth diseases that are prominent Countries that are at major risks such as third world countries are plagued with diseases because of inefficient medical care and medical resources are scarce Diseases in these types of countries result in communicable diseases In addition countries that result in high communicable diseases will need medical help with surrounding countries and only help will be provided with the following country is in good terms standing on the following basis such as political Additional medical challenges these countries face are diseases that are associating with malnutrition and childhood infections Furthermore a challenge that a country could face under these circumstances is the possibility that the country will not be able to bounce back from a communicable disease and not gain control of the situation

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