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Management 301 Final Exam Topics Chapter 9 Culture Innovation Change managers must 3 big things all videos are important Zappos on culture Disney traditions Dreamworks Wegmans Instagram Culture 3 definitions plus sub culture different cultures in a culture 1 question culture is organization personal global corporations know 4 elements observed and core culture know differences above under waterline Edgar Schein stories rites symbols heroes 2 questions know basics innovation 3 and sustainability 1 know well and all illustrations instagram etc process product business model definitional applicational question commercialization read in book know examples 3M post it terra cycle structure support innovation change defined two types Elizabeth Kupler s model move in part how people deal with change approaches drivers vs status quo leadership and change change process Kurt Lewuin freezing unfreezing etc great threat opportunity Burning Platform driver for change transformational IBM and Hostess and Incremental IBM question Twinkies pages 222 223 other ways to approach change force rational shared know page 225 Why People Resist Change Chapter 14 Teams and Teamwork definitions of team and synergy Olympic moms video Nascar pit crew benefits and common problems teams social loaf problem creator free rider 1 questions from each managers and 4 ways to interact with a team alternative ways committee vs protect task cross functional and virtual teams cross functional Cisco GE teaming and GE virtual inputs throughputs outputs building blocks 3 components Jeff and 2 pizzas Ron s 3 C s of a team member character competence consistency lifecycle of teams 4 components throughput know components 1 2 questions applicational task focus on work vs maintenance focus on people cohesion and performance norms know diagram in book communication patterns know all 3 page 346 know direct from write up conflict resolution 5 ways Adam Sandler Water Boy functional and dysfunctional 2 key things measuring cooperative and assertiveness 5 dysfunctions of a team personal picking on someone accommodating competing compromising collaborating avoiding watch video team building 3 elements vs team training 3 team building elements types of team building direct question groupthink page 349 351 decision make know groupthink Chapter 17 Global Business population 7 billion issues and global definition bottom line issue increase population definitions globalization global strategies 4 terms know integration vs responsiveness well scale questions 2 3 applications global business 4 home and 2 host methods know each question from each Boeing license anything 1 reason to franchise capital expansion home host all videos illustrations in questions GM Clysdales Anheifer Bush subsidiary for each know advantages and disadvantages be able to define all 6 ways to enter markets global structure know the 2 typical methods area and product GM SAIC Chapter 16 2 Global Culture page 391 396 cultural shock and stages cultural intelligence understand context and types of culture know Hofstede s 5 value differences among National Cultures page 395 know elements

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PSU MGMT 301 - Final Exam

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