The exam will consist of true false multiple choice matching and short answer questions Exam 1 Review From Lecture What is an argument A series of statements that claim to provide support for another statement What is the difference between an inductive and a deductive argument What are the parts of arguments Why can t rhetorical questions be parts of arguments 2 premeses and a conclusion Arguments use statements not questions Questions can t be true Russell The Value of Philosophy According to Russell where is the value of philosophy to be found In the questions left unanswered Its benefits are indirect Why do people think that philosophy doesn t make any progress What is Russell s response to this It doesn t answer any questions Once it makes progress it becomes a science Russsell supports the above statement Who does philosophy benefit How is this related to claims about the value of philosophy The person who studies it Why does Russell think that uncertainty in philosophy is a good thing It helps us look at things differently Plato The Apology Trial What was Socrates method of inquiry Question and response What is the context in which the dialogue takes place What are the charges that are brought against Socrates Not believing in the gods and corrupting the youth How does Socrates defend himself His goal wasn t to survive but to speak He wanted to argue against what they were doing Why is Socrates thought to be the wisest man He knows he knows nothing When the court finds Socrates guilty how does Socrates respond He thinks he should be rewarded Why does Socrates believe that he is the gods gift to Athens Because what he is teaching and he acknowledges his lack of wisdom What was Socrates punishment Was it just Death by hemlock poison No they shouldn t have convicted him The punishment matched the conviction Philosophy of Religion What is the O3 god Omniscent Omnipotent Omnibenevolent What is the purpose of the project to bridge faith and reason Why was this so important to theologians Reason is used in arguments You have to be able to argue for the existence of god You need reason to prove faith to others What is the difference between a priori and a posteriori proofs for the existence of god Which of the arguments that A priori is premesis that are known independently of experience A posteriori is premeses based on our experiences Anselm How does Anselm define God The greatest conceivable being What is the ontological argument Be able to reproduce the argument An a priori argument for the existence of god that states that the concept of god entails or necessitates God s existence What does it mean for something to exist in the understanding Do all things that exist exist in the understanding Be able to explain your answers To exist in the understanding means that you can conceive it or imagine it Ex visualizing a brain transplant Not all things that exist in the understanding What does it mean to say that existence is a great making property Why would existence in reality be greater than existence in the understanding alone Can you think of a counter example Better to exist than not exist Counter example leading a life of misery We discussed a response to Anselm on behalf of the fool How does that response go What is it supposed to show The fool is the non believer Just because you can imagine something doesn t mean it exist Aquinas Be able to summarize and explain each of the five ways that Aquinas gives for the existence of god The First Way Argument from Motion 1 Our senses prove that some things are in motion 2 Things move when potential motion becomes actual motion 3 Only an actual motion can convert a potential motion into an actual motion 4 Nothing can be at once in both actuality and potentiality in the same respect i e if both actual and potential it is actual in one respect and potential in another 5 Therefore nothing can move itself 6 Therefore each thing in motion is moved by something else 7 The sequence of motion cannot extend ad infinitum 8 Therefore it is necessary to arrive at a first mover put in motion by no other and this everyone understands to be God The Second Way Argument from Efficient Causes 1 We perceive a series of efficient causes of things in the world 2 Nothing exists prior to itself 3 Therefore nothing is the efficient cause of itself 4 If a previous efficient cause does not exist neither does the thing that results 5 Therefore if the first thing in a series does not exist nothing in the series exists 6 The series of efficient causes cannot extend ad infinitum into the past for then there would be no 7 Therefore it is necessary to admit a first efficient cause to which everyone gives the name of things existing now God The Third Way Argument from Possibility and Necessity Reductio argument 1 We find in nature things that are possible to be and not to be that come into being and go out of being i e contingent beings 2 Assume that every being is a contingent being 3 For each contingent being there is a time it does not exist 4 Therefore it is impossible for these always to exist 5 Therefore there could have been a time when no things existed 6 Therefore at that time there would have been nothing to bring the currently existing contingent beings into existence 7 Therefore nothing would be in existence now 8 We have reached an absurd result from assuming that every being is a contingent being 9 Therefore not every being is a contingent being 10 Therefore some being exists of its own necessity and does not receive its existence from another being but rather causes them This all men speak of as God The Fourth Way Argument from Gradation of Being 1 There is a gradation to be found in things some are better or worse than others 2 Predications of degree require reference to the uttermost case e g a thing is said to be hotter according as it more nearly resembles that which is hottest 3 The maximum in any genus is the cause of all in that genus 4 Therefore there must also be something which is to all beings the cause of their being goodness and every other perfection and this we call God The Fifth Way Argument from Design 1 We see that natural bodies work toward some goal and do not do so by chance 2 Most natural things lack knowledge 3 But as an arrow reaches its target because it is directed by an archer what lacks intelligence achieves goals by being directed by something intelligence 4 Therefore some intelligent being exists by whom all natural
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