BMGT326 Exam 3 Review Ch 4 10 11 Chapter 4 Systems flowchart graphical representation of a business process depicts the sequence of activities performed as the business events flow through the process as described in system narrative forms a complete comprehensive picture of the system by combining the physical AND logical aspects p 111 112 Figure 4 7 o o o Includes the information processes inputs data processing data storage outputs NOT sending receiving data operations processes people equipment organization work activities and management processes management context for a system Helps understand the flow of transactions identify implemented controls and gaps in controls and define improve controls to close gaps Symbols dashed line with arrow going from one symbol to a second copy of the same symbol indicates that one copy is an original to be replaced after updating by the other copy Exception error routine process that handles required actions for extraordinary erroneous events data shown on systems flowcharts and documented below the level 0 DFD with reject stubs leaves a bubble but does not lead to any other bubble data store shown only in lower level diagrams Data flow diagram DFD graphical representation of a system that portrays business process activities depicts systems components and data flows among the components shows the sources destinations storage of data does NOT depict management or operational elements of a system only information processes Helps explain systems and train personnel used by management and auditors to understand systems and evaluate systems controls SOX 404 compliance o o o DFD Symbols more limited than standard flowcharting symbols Three types of DFDs context diagram at top then level 0 diagram where process bubbles represent transformation of data and activities are grouped by time after these levels external entities don t appear o Context diagram top level least detailed diagram depicting a system and all its activities in one single bubble entire system shows data flows into out of the system and into out of the external entities data flow labels usually describe the nature of the data logical labels o Physical data flow diagram diagram showing the system s internal and external entities and the flow of data between them specify where how by whom a system s activities are accomplished NOT what activities bubbles represent nouns entire system depicts a system s infrastructure Internal entity entity within the system that transforms data people ie accounting clerks places ie departments things ie computers External entity entities outside the system that send receive data to from system people places things do NOT perform any information processing activities for the system o Logical data flow diagram diagram showing the system s processes as bubbles NOT entire system data stores and the flows of data into out of the processes and data stores data flows show the nature of the data being transmitted specifies WHAT activities the system is performing does NOT specify how where by whom activities are accomplished portrays a system s activities originate transform file receive data Uses 5 7 bubbles data flows NEVER go from higher lower numbered bubble Balanced DFDs DFDs are balanced when the external data flows of 2 DFDs are equivalent occurs when the context physical and logical diagrams have equivalent external data flows p 109 DFD a is a context diagram DFD b is an explosion of the context into a level 0 DFD DFDs c and d are explosions of level 0 bubbles 1 0 and 3 0 DFD e is an explosion of bubble 3 1 Top down partitioning flowchart logic flows from top to bottom and left to right splits the database into multiple processors servers successive subdivision exploding of logical DFDs to show more detailed data flows improves the reliability performance of databases Chapter 10 Order Entry Sales OE S Process creates information flows to support repetitive work routines of sales order shipping credit departments and to assist management with marketing sales decisions ultimate goal is to provide value to the customer includes the first four steps in the order to cash process 1 Pre Sales Activities 2 Sales Order Processing o o o o 4 Shipping OE S Process Logical Level 0 DFD Customer acknowledgement notifies the customer of the order s acceptance and the expected shipment date 3 Picking and Packing Goods Picking ticket authorizes the warehouse to pick the goods from the shelf and send them to shipping identifies the goods to be picked and usually indicates the warehouse location Bill of lading contract between the shipper and the carrier in which the carrier agrees to transport the goods to the shipper s customer Packing slip sent with the package to identify the customer destination and contents Tickler file reviews the file of open sales orders on a current regular basis to detect any shipments that should have taken place key control in the OE S process that ensures all shipments are made in a timely manner Trigger data flow event that initiates a process source document provides authority for a business activity to occur customer order is the one input that triggers the OE S process Pre formatted screens directed primarily at ensuring input accuracy Digital image processing systems computer based systems for capture storage retrieval presentation of images of objects ie pictures and documents capable of making documents available worldwide so that information can be readily accessed and distributed throughout the organization Customer Relationship Management CRM systems ERP system add on maintaining customer info database tracks purchases suggests products supports customer retention systems often share same underlying database o The most important asset to any company is a happy customer especially with global competition Bar code readers electronic data capture devices that use light reflection to read differences in bar code patterns in order to identify a labeled item Validity for the OE S Process o o o o o o o o o o Sales customer order input validity order is from an existing authorized customer one contained in the customer master data file whose current order falls within authorized credit limits Shipping notice input validity supported by both 1 Approved sales order and 2 Actual shipment of goods documents completed picking ticket and a copy of the sales order sent to shipping Chapter 11 Billing Accounts Receivable Cash Receipts B AR
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