Exam 2 10 25 2012 First New Deal 1933 1935 National industrial recovery act o NRA national recovery act o Business leaders came and established codes for each industry Most were voluntary Wanted to stop the downward spiral Some codes legally enforceable Business and gov t and labor would work together to help economy work in a more coordinated fashion Reduce instability in economy Three R s o Relief help destitute people o Recovery get country out of depression o Reform fix institutions so it wouldn t happen again A New Deal for labor section 7a of the NIRA o Cant fire someone for organizing a union o Protections Yellow dog contract hired if sign a contract to not joing union Black listed o Employers need to recognize unions Reforming wall street o Bank acts separates commercial banking and investment banking firewall 1999 under bill Clinton this is repealed Civilian Conservation Corps o Military style camp o Voluntary o Millions of young men did this and got paid a little money o Cleaned up parks and forests o Kept young men off streets Tennessee Valley Authority o Massive project over many states construction of hydroelectric power plants o Created lots of good jobs o Provided electricity to the region and improved quality of life o Served as a yard stick prove private companies charge to much o Do some environmental stuff The Fate of the NRA Shot down by supreme court Determined unconstitutional Second New Deal 1935 1937 Spend more money putting people to work WPA work progress administration Arts grew because of new deal Paid benefits for widows orphans and retired age Very small numbers back then Revolutionary l instead of depending on family church and community deferral gov t provided very low amount of support Social Security Why the shift FDR shifting left expanding government Appealing to workers and poor people Bring about one of the biggest political realignment in the country New deal coalition o FDR stayed in office four terms o Democratic party built on votes of African American labor union members and ethnic Americans Followed the public even though he didn t like big business or blacks that much Organized labor s triumph Greatest year for organizes labor 1936 37 Fair labors standard s act o Max work hrs per week o Minimum wage Permanently established unions Recognized by industry Organized strike Scabs strike breakers First happened in flint o Instead of walking out sit down at machine One strike CIO congress of industrial organizations formed of ppl in labor unions reached 28 from the 5 its was at previously Political realignment A New Deal for minorities Domestic work and agricultural workers are left out NRA paid different wages blacks got paid less Black become democratic Eleanor Roosevelt was an advocator for blacks o Circulated rumors she slept with black ppl o BLACKS to white house for dinner Political Realignment Third new Deal 1938 1941 Cut back on taxes and raise taxes Second slump was called the Roosevelt ression STARTS SPENDING AGAIN WWII start spending money to rearm which causes ful employment and ended depression 8 years of FDR didn t end the depression kanes was right gotta spend a lot of money Legacies Conservative revolution Shift in power from private to public Govt expanded ppl dependent on it Fix pieces of economy MIXED ECONMY 20 GDP accounted for by gov t now its 50 no large redistribution of wealth no basic loss of power in corporate American actually increase as weak firms bought by big more federal power and political realignment first real boost to organized labor four freedoms speech o also have right for freedom from want job and decent standard of living missed lecture on 23rd and 16th 10 25 2012 World War II ID terms Executive order 9066 Double v Lend lease Second World Wars Diplomatic wars o Us became isolated after WWI o Versailles 1919 Fight for league of nations o March 1933 Roosevelt became president Hitler comes to power o Germany wasn t suppose to rearm but Hitler does and transform German economy to become self sufficient Nuremberg rallies 1933 1938 o To empower Germans who felt country was weak Shanghai Incident 1932 o 1930s three invasions 1936 italty invades ethipoia Germany invade rhine land region 1937 japan invades china 1938 germany keeps going on invasions US isolationism and neutrality o merchants of death thesis entangled in war due to business sought to benefit in European affairs o neutrality acts restrict arms sales withdrew traveler protection prohibited loans British prime minister Neville Chamberlain Erosion of neutrality o Appeasement o French mahshino line o Prime minister didn t want war and trie to stop hitler but he wold continue a week later o Churchill begs Roosevelt to enter the war but Roosevelt said American boys will not fight in a forigen war o FDR not in sync with American public who believed in isolationism FDR knew threat that hilter was to us too o Stages Cash and carry belligerence can buy stuff from us but cant be military goods and they have to pick it up themselves Lend lease garden hose speech Increase aid given to allies Not getting involved just letting them use our hose could be military stuff Congress appropriates 7 billion dollas for war We lend them stuff and the lease us islands for production military bases We carry over with thousands of merchant marine ships 70 million people 3 4 of population of war died o Germany 6 million o Japan 2 7 million o Italy 5 million o France 5 million o UK 4 million o China 10 20 million o Poland 16 million o USA 4 million o USSR 24 million Economic wars o America people were rationed forced to carpool o People are crazy with money more then full employment o Mobilizing the economy for war Business leadership Federal budget 1939 9 billion 1945 45 billion o importance of the rest pause in maximum war effort where troops were people could enjoy coke heresy s for 5 c which was same price as at home coke opened 64 plants around world during WWII o German arms minister Albert Speer Hitler Who could out produce us or german o Henry Kaiser Produced ships and airplanes Liberty ships carried stuff across atlantic WWII really good for big business Show them all our planes rolling out of factories would o Ford s Willow Run scare them Race Wars o Abroad Germans trying to purify their society and arian race Us and japan Civilian populations targeted and killed Firebomb Japanese cities Atomic bomb Completely leveled Belief that japs where willing to die and
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