Terms to Know for CCJS 100 Final Ex Post Facto Inchoate Offense Federalism Panoptican Mens Rea Actus Reus Indigent Restitution Search Seizure Geriatric prison Parens patriae Reentry Recidivism ITIN Inquisitorial v Adversarial Determinate v indeterminate Probable cause v reasonable suspicion Topics What works Theories of justice Clearance Rates Issues with NCVS and UCR Types of foreign nationals 20 questions very important how they came numbers types specific crimes Theories of punishment Criminology Theories Why people commit crime Amendments Due Process v Crime Control Rates of misdemeanors v felonies Seven principles of criminal law Dual v Multi Sentencing System Recidivism rates Technology in policing Court Structure Policing innovations Criminal justice goals doing justice controlling crime preventing crime Methods of appointing indigent defense Public contract assigned Problems with mandatory minimums Exclusionary rules and exceptions English legal tradition limited authority local control fragmented organization Who administers and who pays for probation and parole Roles of legal actors Women in corrections Eras of corrections Juvenile courts Juvenile waivers Inmate mortality Due Process Compliance in corrections Rates of incarceration 1 in 100 adults Challenges of probation slap on the wrist Probation roles Development of probation hands off policy Mechanisms for release mechanism discretionary expiration Cruel and unusual punishment Foreign nationals and crime empirical and theoretical 287 g Probation 1250 per offender per year Case Laws Curtilage Roper v Simmons Gregg v Georgia Chimel v California Mapp v Ohio Furman v Georgia Miranda v Arizona Miller v Alabama Kent v United States Cooper v Pate Gideon v Wainwright Padilla v Kentucky Ashcroft v The Free Speech Coalition
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