Health Care Information Systems Terms 1 HCS 483 Version 2 University of Phoenix Material Health Care Information Systems Terms Define the following terms Your definitions must be in your own words do not copy them from the textbook After you have defined each term in your own words describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied Utilize a minimum of two research sources to support your claims one from the University Library and the other from the textbook Be sure to cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines Term Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act HIPAA Electronic medical record Definition The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act were established in 1996 This law was enacted to protect patients and gives those rights from outside sources i e family friends and jobs EMR S is a computerized medical record Medical organizations have them and each patient has one The patient information is then stored and retrieved as needed Electronic health record This feature the EHR is used to provide information about patients and used in a network How Used in Healthcare It is used to in organizations that has anything to do with patient care This allows only the treating staff i e nurse doctor and others privy to this information Those who do not have direct care are not allowed access to the patient s medical information This protects the patients and medical insurance from fraud and lawsuits All health care organizations have EMR s This enables them to provide patient care by looking the patient s information up that is on record This shows the care that has been provided i e lab test and results the name of the doctor and what medications and treatments were issued This feature will help to improve patient care This will also help to reduce health care problems among the staff This will allow all those providing care to the patient a general idea of the patient Personal health record Computerized provider order entry system Unique patient identifier Protected health information Health Care Information Systems Terms 2 HCS 483 Version 2 THE PHR is what a person maintains for themselves This is normally useful for those who have a significant medical history and for the person moving out of the area to a new location This person has the right to share the information with whom they so desire This system is used instead of the paper system Most hospitals use this system when ordering supplies and other medical supplies and then view it online This also allows the hospital to track and see the orders being place and by who A great tracking device This is how medical facilities show proof of positive identification of the patient This is ID for patients who are being treated in the hospital Is the protection of information of a person s health status Other organizations and or companies may not have privy to the patient s information without proper approval Even for payment purpose and how they are paying is protected current and past medical history This is a personal health record kept by an individual and it stays with them i e home computer or wherever they so choose The purpose is to provide the treating doctor with the necessary documents This is how medical staff uses this system to communicate to each other This eliminates any and all unnecessary errors through handwritten communication and verbal communication This is also considered a great tool in the event a lawsuit is filed and can be used as a permanent record This will protect the patient and the staff All health care organizations have to have a Unique patient identifier in place In some cases I have seen hospitals have a picture along with the patient s name This ensures the right patient is receiving the right care and treatment This disclosure is for the protection of the treatment that was provided This information with permission is then release to insurance companies and the patients if need be So in essence this is information to the care that one has received Through the medical provider and its agencies These organizations are in place to ensure that the standard of care is being Centers for Medicare Medicaid Services The department of health and human services oversees these services The Federal Covered entities Health information exchange Health Care Information Systems Terms 3 HCS 483 Version 2 agencies fund these programs This is in place to ensure there is accountability in the program Is an organization that controls the billing aspects and the information systems So any organization can have this in place i e hospitals and clinics or even health care insurance agencies can provide this service This can be done on a global or regional level or locally This allows for hospital clinics nursing homes a way to communicate one with another This is given through permission of the patient and treating medical staff In the event the patient is being transferred from one facility to another They will have patient information readily available meant Especially in long term care and hospitals and personal care homes This is to make sure that these facilities are following the protocol and are in tune with HIPPA Most doctors will outsource this work to other companies This will allow the doctor to also transmit their information about their patient to other doctors involved in the patient s care This will free up the doctor to handle more of the patient care and not billing and other health insurance information In this information HIE will show what has been done thus far What treatment has been rendered Questions will be answered how did the patient favor to the care was it good or bad What medications were given to the patient the dosage amount It may provide if they patient has family and who in the family is privy to the information References Chapter 3 Health Care Information Regulations Laws and standards Wager Lee Frances Glaser John Burns Lawton 2009 John Wiley and Sons Inc EBook
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