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Running head ARTICLE REVIEW 1 Article Review HCS 457 ARTICLE REVIEW Article Review Introduction 2 In this article the issues that will be discuss is health care cost The key is to determine is this local or community issue How long has this problem affected communities and how is the community responding In reading this paper will give the readers a better idea of how and where the funding comes from Local government is paying for health care in their communities Hence the bulk of the cost of health care goes to direct care services The decrease in the work force has played a major role in the direct care of the increase of health care The problem with heath care spending is it is always on the rise Communities are looking for ways to combat this increase in health care spending The communities are being affected by the harsh realities of dwindling resources because they are trying to serve those individuals without health care coverage Ketchum 2001 Communities are stepping up and there spin is let s get involved because the local and federal government is leading the way in helping decrease the health care cost The community has responded by getting more involved by having an ongoing dialogue with local government agencies Communities have emerged in the last decades to transform research that bridges the gap between science and practice The social disparities within the population are color and other marginal groups Wallerstein 2010 This course of action is to unite the growing interest in health professionals and given to the underserved communities The community is a voice and they want to be heard They want to resolve heath care issues and increase the health care for those who need it in their communities ARTICLE REVIEW 3 Conclusion In this article we look at how the cost of health care is on the rise Communities are stepping up and trying to take action themselves and not have to rely on the federal government and other agencies There is an express need in that those who are uninsured or underinsured and the rise of health care cost within the community Reference Ketchum S 2001 August Health Care Is It a Local Issue 83 issue 7 p6 7p Retrived from Ebsco Host UOP Wallerstein Nina Duran B 2010 April American Journal of Public Health 1 7p Retrieved from Ebsco Host UOP

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