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Running head SMITH SOFTWARE TESTING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL 1 Software Testing Environment Proposal BSA 385 Introduction to Software Engineering SMITH SOFTWARE TESTING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL 2 Abstract Smith Systems Consulting has received some feedback and concerns that their processes and procedures are not sufficiently documented This lack of professional documentation has caused some loss of potential contracts for the firm The Learning Team Bravo has been given the assignment to define develop and propose standards for a software testing environment at Smith This will be accomplished by defining the Smith engagement approach introducing the way the firm works with clients and how projects are managed defining the software development and quality assurance processes and procedures describing in detail testing procedures to be exercised describing the infrastructure including hardware and software capabilities that will make up the software testing environment and by defining the format and requirements for development of formal program specification SMITH SOFTWARE TESTING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL 3 Smith Systems Consulting recently tasked Learning Team Bravo LTB with developing a standardized project plan approach and testing procedures It is Smith s goal to show prospective clients that Smith is efficient and is confident that they are able to perform contractual obligations smoothly The following procedures will be generalized so that Smith will be able to utilize this project plan in any project This standardized project plan that LTB developed will enable Smith to focus the resources of their project rather than developing procedures to complete the project Software Development Processes and Procedures Smith Systems Consulting understands that there is not a clear cut solution for each individual software development project and wishes to utilize a process that accounts for multiple variables when developing new software In order to accurately define this process Smith will benefit from a System Development Lifecycle SDLC approach This means that Smith will first need to determine the needs of the company Within this phase the first step is to identify Smith s stakeholders followed up with developing a project timeline and budget Stakeholders will consist predominately of Smith employees so that in house management will have a firm grasp on the resources needed The next step in the SDLC approach is to form an analysis team to identify the needs of the various stakeholders as well as to better understand the needs of the proposed system This analysis team is responsible of keeping the stakeholders informed by using data flow diagrams as the project progresses for an all encompassed strict change control process This step is vital in quality assurance which will be discussed at a later time Smith will also be responsible in designing methods required by the needs of the project Methods include resources tools new models and various techniques used to fully identify system requirements In some cases third party vendors are valuable for they provide and use tools that some methods may require Third SMITH SOFTWARE TESTING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL 4 party vendors will be procured via contract and are subject to a determination of need by the project stakeholders A finalized data flow diagram will be presented for the next step A design team will then determine the most effective and efficient approach to implement the design Stakeholders will be consulted before any final orders are given to include the procurement of vendors and the resources they will provide Once a vendor and resource are determined the design team will execute the design as part of the project plan timeline Smith will initiate developer testing as well as end user testing to ensure the final product meets the project plan criteria After acceptance testing the system will be implemented and the training phase will begin Upon full implementation completion a maintenance phase will begin During this phase Smith will be involved through its entire life cycle Any and all contracts to include telephone support will be included as essential elements of this system Quality Assurance Processes and Procedures Smith is dedicated to providing development solutions to business information processes of the highest quality to its clients This quality is measured and ensured through the use of resource and tools put in place from the very start of the project In order to strengthen existing business processes by the practical application of new technologies Smith will use highly trained and qualified project managers PM s Each of Smith s PM s has a multitude of experience and flawless track records that show they will stay on time and within the budget Smith PM s will provide weekly updates to shareholders as well as daily meetings to ensure everyone involved in the project is on track but more importantly that there are no concerns for delays Any concerns SMITH SOFTWARE TESTING ENVIRONMENT PROPOSAL 5 will be of utmost importance and PM s will alleviate concerns with additional resources to address the problem with minimal operations impact or deviation from the project plan As mentioned earlier a strict change control process will be used to ensure that the project is kept within scope Any changes to the project must be approved Also mentioned earlier Smith realizes that that there is not a clear cut solution for each individual software development project and wishes to utilize a process that accounts for multiple variables when developing new software This strict change control process will reflect Smith s project plan of priority and secondary goals These goals will be defined during the analysis phase however the stakeholders will have the option to make changes during the change control process Primary goals are to be strictly followed and any deviation to them must occur due to imminent danger or jeopardy to the project itself Secondary goals on the other hand are identified as flexible and are not bound such a strict change control process Adherence to the change control process is vital for project success and not reliant on the outcome of each individual system development lifecycle phase Formal Program Specification Document Smith systems will be recommending several changes to the current system at Kudler Fine Foods This is due in large part by the hardware and software that are out of date All locations for Kudler Fine

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UOPX BSA 385 - Software Testing Environment Proposal

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