WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES I What is music a Music the rational organization of sound i Rhythm basic layer of music ii Melody b Rhythm basically made up of beats i Regularly recurring sounds that divide the pass of time into equal units ii Basic pulse of music iii Elements 1 Metronome tool used to keep track of beats and tempo 2 Tempo Italian for time a Speed at which a beat flows b Bpm beats per minute 3 Accelerado when a beat gets faster change in tempo 4 Ritardando Rallentando a beat slowing down 5 Meter specific way that beats are grouped together a Two types of meter i Duple meter grouped into 2 ii Triple meter grouped into 3 6 Measure bar the division of beats 7 Upbeats the last beat in a measure 8 Downbeats the first beat in a measure a Comes from conducting 9 Accent some beats are stronger than others and receive more emphasis iv Notes 1 Whole note 4 beats 2 Half note 2 beats 3 Quarter note 1 beat 4 Eighth note beat 5 Sixteenth note beat 6 Time signature defines the meter a Top number of beats in a measure b Bottom what note value receives the beat 1 WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES 7 Syncopation the placement of an accent on a weak beat or in between beats c Melody a succession of pitches usually energized by rhythm tune i Pitch the relative position high or low of a musical sound 1 Melodic interval the distance between two pitches 2 Octave interval which the 2 pitches are duplicated 3 Accidentals symbol that changes the inflection of a pitch a Sharp raise the pitch b Flat lower the pitch ii Staff staves lines with pitches melodic notation presented iii Bass clef where f is iv Treble clef where g is Higher than bass v Mode set of rules in which melody is formed Pattern of pitches that vi Scale a fixed pattern of tones within the octave that ascends and forms a scale descends 1 Whole step half step how we build scales 2 Primary scales a Major b Minor i Peaceful ii 1 1 1 1 1 7 notes i Sad ii 1 1 1 1 1 12 notes 3 Tonic the first of seven pitches in a scale the resting place 4 Tonality musical organization around a single pitch 5 Modulation a change between tonality 6 Phrase musical segments that make up a melody d Harmony the simultaneous sounding of one or more pitches that sound at the same time i Chords a group of two or more pitches that sound at the same time ii Triad chord built out of three pitches BASIC iii Chord progression the purposeful succession of chords in a melody iv Cadence end of a chord progression v Dominant fifth note in a scale vi Tonic first note in a scale 1 Consonance stable and agreeable sounds 2 Dissonance jarring and unstable sounds 2 WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES e Dynamics the various levels of volume loud or soft at which sounds are produced in music i Forte loud f ii Piano soft p iii Mezzo forte middle loud iv Mezzo piano middle soft v Crescendo gradually getting louder vi Decrescendo gradually getting softer f Color timbre the tone quality of a musical sound i Overtones 1 Voice a Soprano b Alto c Tenor d Bass 2 Strings a Violin b Vibrato i Violin ii Viola iii Cello iv Double bass i Pizzicato ii Tremolo iii Trill iv Harp 1 Glissando really fast pull strings 2 Arpeggio triad 3 Woodwinds a Flute piccolo b Oboe English Horn double reed c Clarinet single reed d Bassoon contra bassoon double reed 4 Brass a Trumpet cylindrical i Mute piece of metal that modifies the sound of a trumpet b French horn cylindrical c Trombone conical d Tuba conical 3 WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES 5 Percussion 6 Keyboard a Pitched or unpitched i Timpani kettle drum a Piano percussion b Harpsichord c Pipe organ ii Orchestra string section combines with others iii Conductors g Musical texture the density and arrangement of artistic elements in music i Simple or complex music is 1 Monophony 1 sound single line 2 Homophony 1 prominent melody 3 Polyphony 2 or more independent voices sound simultaneously a Free counterpart each voice does its own thing b Imitative counterpart each voice imitates each other h Form large scale organization of a piece of music i Sections are defined with letters 1 Looking for a repeated section in music 2 Strophic form easiest AAA a Same section repeated over and over b Reflects poetry 3 Theme and variations A A1 A2 A3 a Theme prominent melody usually repeated b Variation the theme slightly modified 4 Binary AABB 5 Ternary ABA1 a Two contrasting sections with each section repeated b repeat signs written in music a Three part section may be slightly modified 6 Rondoform alternates between original idea and contrasting ideas a Most common i ABACA ii ABACADA iii ABACABA II Medieval ca 450 ca 1450 a Gregorian chants NO METER 4 WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES i Mass 1 Ordinary a Kyrie b Gloria c Credo d Sanctus e Agnus Dei 2 All of medieval mass were sung 3 Passed through oral transmission a Downfall things lost in transmission b Neumes notae notation on how to sing melodies i Not specific enough c Staff created by monk Guiddo of Arezzo ca 1000 d Viderunt ounnes i Monophonic ii No meter iii Alternation between sob and choir iv Narrow melodic range e Syllabic vs Melismatic i Syllabic each syllable ii Mellismatic many notes in each syllable f Most chants are written anonymously g Hildagard of Bingen nun i Composed over 77 chants ii Secular music a Wrote chanson 2 Occitan language 3 Wrote about love courtly love 4 Troubaritz female troubadours h Polyphonic music i Sacred music 1 Troubadours composers poets who lived in Southern France 1 Organum the style of medieval polyphony by adding one or more polyphonic voices to a Gregorian chant 2 Florid organum lots of different notes 3 Voices in the original chant are tenor 4 13th century Notre Dame polyphony a 1st composers to write rhythm meter 3 b Leonin c Peretin Peritonus 5 WHAT IS MUSIC RENAISSANCE MUS 1751 NOTES 5 Mensural notation symbols showing how to group notes too long i Guilluame de Machaut most important musician of the 14th century i Most important composer poet ii Wrote the Messe de Nostre Dame a mass iii Kyrie Gloria Credo Sanctus Agnus Dei iv Similar to organum Notre Dame polyphony v Different 1 Tenor has rests 2 Timing 3 Notre voices added on top Nostre voices added in the middle of everything we hear 4 Rhythm more complex in Messe de Nostre Dame vi Wrote secular music in a monophonic style vii Motet type of polyphony 1 Chant still exists at bottom with other text added on top that doesn t fully relate to the chant 2 Motet French worded
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