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Great Depression Economically during 1920 s economy was booming people making lots of money borrowing money buying selling stocks speculation People started over borrowing money banks started to fail stock market fell 1929 Main factor that Started Great Depression Farmers struggling had taken out loans to buy machines unable to pay back and were over producing food price falls and was not making back the money Uneven distribution of income lots of people borrowed money they couldn t pay back 1 vs 99 Hawley Smoot Tariff U S raised tariffs so people would buy American goods but it backfired b c all other countries didn t have any money to buy from America People couldn t afford housing and were starving Started making houses out of scraps Hoover Houses Herbert Hoover thought great depression would pass over if he gave direct need to poor people then the poor would not want to work people were upset about it He was blamed for depression and not fixing it Dust Bowl in mid west dust was flying all around day and night due to exhausting the soil John Steinbeck wrote book about family in dust bowl Bonus Army veterans from WWI who were promised bonus to be payed in 1945 due to great depression wanted bonus early to help families people protested Hoover sent in national guard gassed soldiers and civilians Hoover was seen as a monster not helping needy and gassing WWI veterans Franklin D Roosevelt 1932 1945 wealthy family New Deal Alphabet Soup FDR s plan he was going to provide direct aid to needy CCC borrowed money on these programs went into debt hired men to make trails prettier conserve the land provided poor with money jobs FDIC insurance on bank accounts TVA electricity in rural areas to be involved Wagner Act made it legal to collectively bargain union goes to business owners to bargain with owners crops if over produced Fair Labor Standards Act Child labor banned 8 hour work day 5 days a week Social Security invented financial help to unemployed retired sick AAA rewarded farmers for not over farming paid farmers to get rid of or store People didn t like these new deals thought it made people needy brought them to supreme court and supreme court agreed with them FDR wanted to add 6 more supreme court judges FDR s court packing plan cartoon used on regents Americans made fantasy movies books etc to escape everyday lives 1930 s radio artists employed by WPA do murals take pictures WWII 1939 Hitler came into power in Germany Arian race wanted to become dominant race wanted to take over world so they could be more like Germans Stalin took over Russia Mussolini took over Italy Hirohito took over Japan ALL ran totalitarian states government has total control America democracy wanted to stay isolated neutral Neutrality Acts stated we wanted to stay neutral Britain and France pushed into war Hitler kept taking over countries Britain needed help from America America entered war 1942 Cash and Carry law that said to allies if they pay them in cash and pick up weapons America will provide them with weapons Changed it to Lend Lease Act lent weapons to Britain who would pay them back later Japan tried to imperialize countries took over countries and coming for America America create blockade stopped selling them goods Japan bombed Pearl Harbor in Hawaii America went to war Winston Churchill prime minister of England told FDR they needed more help and was running out of cash Lend Lease Act passed Germany bombed London invaded soviet union after having a pact with them soviet union then wanted to become an ally Britain America and Russia Churchill FDR and Stalin came together and fought Battle of Stalingrad Germans moved into Russia winter came in and Germans lost Americans plan D Day come on ships and landed in France and surprised Germans with huge attacks June 6 V E Day allies win war Roosevelt has stroke dies Harry S Truman takes over Allies then go to Japan Start island hopping slowly taking back islands Truman Manhattan Project secret code name that was a group of scientists who made first atom bomb Truman warns Japan that they have huge weapon if they don t surrender Drop first bomb on Hiroshima annihilated cities in seconds killed many people radiation from bomb caused cell change in bodies people developed cancer mutated children Japanese leader refused to give up Truman dropped another bomb in Nagasaki War is over Japan surrenders and we win in Europe and Japan America has become super power economically booming making tons of money from war people want to trade with us brought Nazi leaders to trial Nuremberg Trials even during times of war you are still held accountable for the things you have done Japanese came to California Roosevelt said that generals in California could do anything to keep that area safe Executive Order these generals took Japanese and moved them to Internment Camps similar to concentration camp Korematsu vs United States said under the 14th amendment equal protection clause as an equal American should not be treated differently than others supreme court said during times of war government can do what they need to do against American safety

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CCRI HIST 1010 - Great Depression

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