WWII 1929 1945 Federal Reserve regulate money supply Stock Market Crash 1929 Speculating buying stocks on margin investing with borrowed money Hoovervilles places where everyone was living in cardboard houses Hoover believed the economy would fix itself and that people did not need help Dust Bowl midwest ground was overworked people migrated WEST to become migrant farmers Grapes of Wrath FDR president 16 years 411 418 New Deal plan to get out of depression government intervened built schools gave people jobs payed artists to document great depression Wagner Act allowed collective bargaining in unions Fair Labor Standards Act child labor ended minimum wages began Social Security Court Packing court went against FDR s programs FDR tried to make new positions for judges WWII America wanted to stay neutral and isolated Cash and Carry America gave Europeans weapons they had to come and pick up and had to pay in cash Lend Lease Act Britain out of money we lent British weapons and they would pay back later America tried to take over fueling spots the Japanese was mad and bombed Pearl Harbor drew us into WWII During WWII women taking over jobs mining making weapons etc make victory gardens so food would go to soldiers rationing people only got a certain amount of food Military African Americans were segregated Women in Military too Selective Service draft Manhattan Project secret code name for scientists who built the A Bomb Dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki helped end the war Japanese Internment put Japanese in internment camps they lost everything Korematsu sues USA saying that under 14th amendment he should be treated equal court said in times of crisis they would disregard his civil rights Effects of WWII Women s roles changed blacks in war mad b c they were fighting for country that wasn t treating them right started Civil Rights Act United Nations all countries of united nations come together and make peace Nuremberg Trial and Tokyo America put Japanese and Nazi soldiers on trial shows that it doesn t matter what you did during war beyond what war is you can be convicted of those crimes convicted G I Bill soldiers get money for college low interest loans for houses White Flight when whites moved to suburbs FDR dies VP is Truman Cold War 1950 s Babyboom Women cleaning house kids perfect man work Time of tension between Soviet Union tried to contain communism Truman Doctrine send aid to any country who was about to become communist Arms and Space Race Soviet Union sent Sputnik American reached moon first Germany got split up into 4 West Germany USSR had East Germany Berlin went into 3 sections West Berlin democratic East Berlin communist Berlin Wall split West and East America sent supplies to West Berlin Berlin Air Lift NATO democratic countries making an alliance against communist Warsaw Pact communist countries making alliance against democratic McCarthyism started accusing people of being communism Albert Hiss Rosenbergs people thought to be spies Korean Vietnam North Communist south Democratic north taking over south US came because of Truman Doctrine ended in stalemate Eisenhower 1960 s JFK wanted civil rights young and handsome 2 mistakes as president Bay of Pigs we took Cuban exiles and trained them to invade Cuba failed Cuban Missile Crisis USSR put missiles in Cuba b c we had missiles in Turkey JFK said if USSR crosses line we will see it as direct threat towards US 1960 s rebellious kids hippies woodstock protested against Vietnam War cameras now showed what was happening in war Civil Rights Movement civil disobedience Sit Ins Freedom Riders Black Panthers Rosa Parks Bus Boycott I have a dream wrote a letter in jail MLK civil disobedience Malcolm x believed in violence believed that blacks should have own community similar to Black Panthers Brown vs Board of Ed got rid of legal segregation Jim Crow Laws integrated schools overturned Plessy vs Ferguson Little Rock 9 9 children were going to a white school troops were sent to escort children LB Johnson takes over plan The Great Society when government intervened food stamps medicare medicaid head start etc signs Civil Rights Act 1964 prohibited discrimination in public places 24th Amendment got rid of all voting restrictions Literacy Test etc Warren Court 1960 s supreme court Miranda vs Arizona Mapp vs Ohio Gideon vs Wainwright supreme court more liberal gave rights to people getting arrested Rachel Carson Silent Spring book about DDT chemicals on plants sparked environmental protest Environmental Act Clean Air Act Clean Water Act Cesar Chavez better working conditions for migrant usually immigrant workers AIM Wounded Knee Stonewall women s rights movement
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