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2 classes of hormones amino acid based steroids derived from cholesterol 2 main types of nerve tissue neurons and support neuroglial cells 3 Causes of secretion Humoral Neural Hormonal 4 main regions of the brain 7 hormones related to anterior lobe cerebral hemispheres left and right diencephalon brain stem midbrain medulla pons cerebellum Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH Follicle stimulating hormone FH Luteinizing hormone LH Growth hormone GH PRL MSH 12 Cranial Nerves OOO to touch and feel very good velvet ah ha olfactory optic ocular motor troclear trigeminal abducens facial vestibularcochlear glossopharangeal vagus accessory hypoglossal Adrenal cortex Adrenal Medulla secretes aldosterone response to blood volume and cortisol helps the body deal w stress largest sympathetic ganglia secretes epi and norepinephrine Afferent Sensory carried by nerve fibers of PNS to CNS afferent attaches to the the dorsal horn Alzheimers progressive degenerative nerve disease leading to dementia ANS innervates smooth muscle cardiac muscle glands ANS regulates what visceral functions heart rate blood pressure digestion urination Association fibers connect different parts of the same hemisphere astrocytes extract blood sugar from capilaries take up release ions to control environment around neurons produce molecules necessary for neuronal growth auditory areas temporal lobe Basic division of nervous system CNS brain and spinal cord PNS cranial spinal nerve ganglia Brachial Plexus neck to armpit nerves that supply upper linb Brain functions bulbous ruffini intelligence consciousness memory sensorymotor integration innervation of head Controls heart rate respiratory rate bp autonomic ns endocrine system respond to pressure in dermis monitor continuous pressure on skin adapt slowly cell body Cerebellum Cerebrospinal fluid circulates soma around the nucleus contains organelles coordinates body movements recieves different types of info helps maintain equilibrium helps with learning a new motor skill in the hollow cavities of the brain and the spinal cord provides cushion removes waste carries chemical signals Cerebrovascular Accident interruption of blood flow to brain stroke Cervical Plexus under sternocleidomastoid muscles mostly innveration to cutaneous network Commisures allows communication between hemispheres corpus collosum Cushings hyper secretion of glucocoroid hormones due to a pituitary tumor Dermatome Efferent single spinal nerve that innervates one area of skin Motor signals carried away from CNS to innervate muscles and glands efferent attaches to the ventral horn Encapsulated Nerve endings consist of end fibers of sensory neurons enclosed in connective tissue tactile messiner lamellar pacinian bulbous ruffini proprioceptors Endemic goiter caused by a lack of iodine in diet Endocrine cell in pancreas Endocrine system ependymal cells Alpha raise blood sugar glycogen Beta lower blood sugar insulin Delta inhibits gylco and insulin production somatostatin F PP inhibits exocrine re polypeptide system of ductless glands that secrete hormones and interacts closely with the nervous system line central cavitie of spinal cord brain have cilia to circulate CSF Epithelial tactile complexes merkel discs tactile cell innverated by sensory nerve ending slow adapting for light touch Exocrine cells in the Pancreas Acinar cells secrete digestive enzymes Fissure Sulcus Gyri Function of brain stem F separate major regions of the brain S grooves on surface smaller ridges G twisted ridges in between Sulci autonomic behaviors needed for survival passageway for all fiber tracts Functional organization of the PNS Sensory afferent Motor efferent ganglia cluster of cell bodies gray vs white matter white myelinated gray unmyelinated Gray vs white matter in the CNs white outer region of spinal cord that is composed of myelinated and unmyelinated axons gray shaped like letter H contains cell bodies of motor neurons and interneurons hair follicle receptors raidly adapting receptors Hormonal stim recieved from other glands ie hypothal secretes hormones stim pituitary stim other glands Humoral response to a change in ions or nutrients in blood Hypertension high blood pressure results from overactive sympathetic vasoconstriction Hypothalamus I II main visceral control center controls ANS controls endocrine system Olfactory sensory nerve of smell Optic brain tract of vision III IV IX lamellar pacinian Limbic system functions III Oculomotor innervates four extrinsic eye muscles that move eyeball in orbit Trochlear innervates extrinsic eye muscle that hooks through a pulleyshaped ligament in the orbit Glossopharyngeal helps innervate tongue and pharynx wrapped in layers of flattened schwann cells in hypodermis sensitive to deep pressure rapidly adapting receptors processes fear allows us to determine pain as unpleasant consolidates retrieves memories Lumbar plexus first four lumbar spinal nerves Mass reflex reaction uncontrolled activation of autonomic and somatic motor neurons affects quadriplegics paraplegics triggered by scratch painful stimulus overfilling of visceral organ body goes into flexor spasms Pia mater innermost layer Arachnoid mater in the middle Dura mater outermost layer think PAD smallest and least abundant glial cell defense mechanisms through phagocytosis sensory innervation of brain s cerebral arteries by the trigeminal nerve causing arteries to widen and irritate sensory nerve endings Meninges microglia Migraines motor areas frontal lobe plans and initiates voluntary motor functions Myelinated vs Unmyelinated axons myelinated are thick unmyelinated are thin and conduct impulses more slowly Nerve Plexus network of nerves neural secretion cause sympathetic nerve fibers stimulate cells in adrenal medulla neuroglia branching processes and a central cell body Nodes of ranvier Gaps along axon Nueroendocrine organ Hypothalamus Number of spinal nerves 31 oligodendroctes produce myelin sheaths Outflow of Para division occurs para cranial outflow innervates upper body sacral outflow innervates lower body overlapping functions of nervous system 1 sensory receptors monitor changes inside and outside body 2 processes and interprets sensory input integration makes decisions 3 dictates a response by activating effector organs Paralysis loss of motor function paraplegia injury to spinal cord betwwen T1 and L2 lower limbs Parasympathetic controls routine functions calms body down after

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